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Training Manuals

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State Authorization Glossary

State Programs

Introduction to State Authorization

The "Introduction to State Authorization" Training Course that is available on this website was designed to teach practical skills needed to prepare and review state authorization applications. The purpose of the training was to help trainees to:

Since the publication of this training manual, EPA has developed a new approach to authorization, as well as new tools to assist in preparing authorization applications. As a result, certain portions of the training manual, especially the lesson on the attorney general's statement, have become outdated. The new approach restructures what states provide EPA in an authorization application for a set of state rules. For more information, see the Express Authorization page at this website.

You can view or download the original authorization training course (PDF)(174 pp, 1.23M). The course is broken down into five lessons that contain all the basic information necessary to understand the statutory and regulatory authority for state authorization and the process by which it is obtained. There are also several exercises to reinforce the lessons given.

The Codification Workbook

The Codification Workbook is available in PDF format only. It is designed for use by EPA regional staff who are responsible for the codification of state statutes and regulations. The workbook is divided into nine chapters, each of which describes a specific aspect of the codification process. The workbook also contains an index and a glossary of terms. The chapters are organized as follows:

Chapter I (PDF)(4 pp, 19K) - Introduction to the Codification Workbook - Provides a brief background on the purpose of codification, why it is important, and the benefits of the codification process. Also included in this chapter is a description of how the workbook is organized and how to use it.

Chapter II (PDF)(19 pp, 81K) - How to organize a team, conduct the necessary background research, and coordinate with EPA headquarters, Office of the Federal Register and staff members in other EPA regions with experience in codification.

Chapter III (PDF)(22 pp, 109K) - How to examine and organize a state's statutes by developing a statutory crosswalk.

Chapter IV (PDF)(31 pp, 147K) - How to examine and organize a state's regulations by developing a regulatory crosswalk.

Chapter V (PDF)(28 pp, 103K) - How to develop the codification Federal Register (FR) notices.

Chapter VI (PDF)(9 pp, 33K) - How to prepare the addendum to the codification FR notice if the state has made unauthorized amendments to authorized sections of its regulations and the amendments cannot be easily crossed out (redlined).

Chapter VII (PDF)(15 pp, 51K) - How to prepare the codification package consisting of the Federal Register documents and an EPA binder containing the statutes and regulations to be incorporated by reference.

Chapter VIII (PDF)(2 pp, 11K) - How to prepare the transmittal letter and submit the codification package to the Office of the Federal Register.

Chapter IX (PDF)(12 pp, 63K) - How to prepare and submit a codification package for a subsequent codification.

Glossary (PDF)(5 pp, 21K)

Index (PDF)(5 pp, 17K)

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