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Volume 10, Number 7, July 2004

Nosocomial Infection with Vancomycin-dependent Enterococci

Paul A. Tambyah,* John A. Marx,* and Dennis G. Maki*
*University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Figure 1.
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Figure 1. Etest (AB Biodisk, Solna) vancomycin susceptibility–testing strip on sheep-blood agar inoculated with vancomycin-dependent enterococci (VDE). VDE strain can only grow contiguous to the end of the strip with the highest concentrations of vancomycin. Isolated colonies are also growing far from the strip; they represent revertants to vancomycin independence.


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This page last reviewed June 17, 2004

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention