Customer Service/Accommodation Practices

The following portion of the checklist reviews recommended customer service and accommodation practices for Department of Labor One Stop Center programs. Not only does it outline what you are required to do, but is also asks you to evaluate your efforts to date and provides helpful hints.

The One-Stop Team recommends the following steps be taken:

  • Completion of this checklist
  • Development of internal action steps to rectify issues identified as a result
  • Development of written organization wide policies
  • Maintenance of this self-evaluation and supporting/resulting documents on file
  • Annual review of this self-evaluation
There may be terminology that you do not understand. Please refer to the end of the checklist for an explanation of the question and the terminology. If you have additional questions, please call your State DOL agency for clarification.

1. Has your One-Stop program affirmatively sought to serve qualified individuals with disabilities? Yes No

  • a. What steps have been taken to meet this goal?

  • b. Have you been successful?

  • c. How do you know?

2.Do you have a written policy concerning discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disability? Yes No

3.Do you regularly review your service practices ( advertising, notices signage, building and program access) to be certain that you, your managers, supervisors, or external consultants are nondiscriminatory in the treatment of customers with disabilities? Yes No

Employment Practices under the Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines:

1. Medical records must be kept in a separate location -medicalrecords. Access to medical records must be limited. Are all Membfromnoners' non-medical records kept in a separate place from records that contain medical information? (Medical information includes insurance application forms as well as health certificates, results of physical exams, etc.) Yes No

    a. Do you have a written policy regarding who has access to medical information?

    b. What is the policy? (A copy should be attached here.)

2. Do your employee recruitment materials, including photos and ad copy, contain positive images of persons with disabilities and indicate your program's commitment to inclusion of persons with disabilities? Yes No

3. Are inquiries related to the presence of a disability or the possible presence of a disability that someone may have, limited to performance of essential functions of the job and requirements for reasonable accommodations?

  • a. Are supervisory staff aware of what constitutes legal and illegal inquiries? Yes No

  • b. If 'yes', how did they obtain this information? Describe. For example, did they participate in a training session? Read relevant literature? etc.

  • c. Have job descriptions been analyzed to determine which functions of a job are 'essential' and which are 'marginal'? Yes No

    If "yes", describe the process for doing this.

  • d. Are job descriptions in writing? Yes No

  • e. Are any of the following questions asked during the application process?
    • Health or physical condition? Yes No

    • Physical or mental problems or disabilities? Yes No

    • Medical history? Yes No

    • Previous workers' compensation claims? Yes No

    • Prior health insurance claims? Yes No

    • Past drug use or substance abuse? (NOTE: The ADA requires that these types of employment questions no longer be used. Consider ADA training in interviewing.) Yes No
4. Do you require that applicants for employment take any of the following tests as part of the application process?
  • a. Drug or alcohol test? Yes No
  • b. HIV tests? Yes No
  • c. Skill or performance tests? Yes No
  • d. Psychological tests? Yes No
  • e. Intelligence tests? Yes No

5. Do you have a substance abuse policy? Yes No

6. Do you have a drug testing policy? Yes No

It is required that reasonable accommodation be provided to employees and customers with disabilities. Reasonable accommodation includes a broad range of adaptations to the manner or circumstances in which a service activity is performed, an interview is conducted, etc.

Reasonable accommodation might include:

  • Allowing an individual with a psychiatric disability to periodically leave early or arrive late and later make up that time;
  • Making structural modifications to accommodate a participant who uses a wheelchair;
  • Providing auxiliary aids and services including sign language interpreters, readers (for people who don't read print due to a disability) or providing material in alternative format such as Braille, ASCII disk, etc.
7. Regarding reasonable accomodation:
  • a. Have employees and applicants been informed that they are entitled to reasonable accommodations? Yes No

  • b. If 'yes', how have they been so informed?

  • c. Are reasonable accommodations provided to Department of Labor One-Stop Center program employees, applicants and customers with disabilities? Yes No

  • d. How do you know?

  • e. Has a reasonable written accommodations policy been developed? (A copy should be attached.) Yes No

  • f. Do supervisory staff know how to proceed if an accommodation is requested? Yes No

  • g. Has a specific supervisory staff member been designated to coordinate reasonable accommodation, including determining when an accommodation is or is not reasonable and when a funding request will be made ? (Note: This is not required, but is recommended.) Yes No

  • h. Do they know how to secure a sign language interpreter if necessary? Yes No

  • i. Do they know how to get material transcribed into Braille, recorded on audio cassette, or placed on ASCII diskette? Yes No

8. Are, as a matter of policy, interviews, staff meetings and other gatherings held in accessible locations? (Accessible locations include accessible entrances, meeting areas, and rest rooms.) Yes No

9. Are off-site staff trainings, holiday parties, picnics or other gatherings held in accessible locations? Yes No

10. Are reasonable accommodations, including sign language interpreters, written materials in alternative format, etc. provided to individuals with disabilities at off-site meetings, trainings, and social events? Yes No

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