South Dakota

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Community Development activities include assisting rural residents in their efforts to implement Presidential, Departmental, and South Dakota Rural Development initiatives.  Goals are achieved through the promotion of self-sustaining, long-term economic development in areas of pervasive poverty, unemployment and general distress.

Technical assistance provided to local communities and groups in planning rural development activities, partnership building, and essential community projects. Assistance often includes helping communities inventory their resources and identify the resources of others for local use.

Empowerment Zones, Enterprise Communities and Champion Communities

Technical assistance provided during application and implementation phases of strategic planning, as well as continuing support to non-designated applicants called Champion Communities.

The four key principles of this program are:

Economic Opportunity - including job creation within the community and throughout the region, entrepreneurial initiatives, small business expansion, and training for jobs that offer upward mobility;
Sustainable Community Development - to advance the creation of livable and vibrant communities through comprehensive approaches that coordinate economic, physical, environmental, community, and human development;
Community-Based Partnerships - involving participation of all segments of the community, including the political and governmental leadership, community groups, health and social service groups, environmental groups, religious organizations, the private and nonprofit sectors, centers of learning, other community institutions, concerned citizens and low-income residents; and
Strategic Vision for Change - which identifies what the community will become and develops a strategic map for revitalization.

South Dakota's designated communities include:

Beadle and Spink Enterprise Community
Oglala Oyate Woitancan Empowerment Zone (Pine Ridge)
Day County Area Development Champion Community
Rosebud Champion Community
Lower Brule Champion Community
Cheyenne River Champion Community

Programs supported by Community Development include the following:

* Office of Community Development

To view the Information Fact Sheet related to this program, simply click on the above.

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Committed to the future of rural communities.