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Vol. 10, No. 7
July 2004

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Model Parameters and Outbreak Control for SARS

Gerardo Chowell,*†Comments Carlos Castillo-Chavez,‡ Paul W. Fenimore,* Christopher M. Kribs-Zaleta,§ Leon Arriola,* and James M. Hyman*
*Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA; †Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA; ‡Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA; and §University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, USA

Local Sensitivity Analysis of the Basic Reproductive Number

The sensitivity analysis approach through an exhaustive sampling of the parameter space provides a global measure of the sensitivity of model parameters. Another approach is to compute the sensitivity indices of the model parameters through local derivatives (1). This approach only provides a local measure as the sensitivity indices can change when the parameter values change. Here, we use local sensitivity analysis to corroborate our global sensitivity analysis results and discuss how this approach can be applied in the analysis of cost as part of a policy of outbreak control.

Let λ represent any of the 10 nonnegative parameters, β, ρ, p, q, k, γ1, γ 2, δ, α, and l, that define the basic reproductive number of our model (2)


If a "small" perturbation δλ is made to the parameter λ, a corresponding change will occur in R0 as δR0, where

The normalized sensitivity index Ψλ is the ratio of the corresponding normalized changes and is defined as


An approximation of the perturbed value of R0, in terms of the sensitivity index is

where the 10 normalized sensitivity indexes are

with η = p(1–ρ)+ρ and γ2 = a γ1/( α –γ1). For the values of the parameters used in this model, the sensitivity indices Ψβ, Ψρ, Ψp, Ψq, and Ψl are positive, Ψk = –Ψq, and the remaining indexes are negative. Furthermore, since all of the indexes (except Ψβ) are functions of the parameters, the sensitivity indexes will change as the parameter values change.

For our specific case where β = 0.25, q = 0.1, p = 1/3, k = 0.15707, α = 0.2061, γ1 = 0.035285, γ2 = 0.0426, δ = 0.0279, and ρ = 0.77 and Toronto (l = 0.1) or Hong Kong (l = 0.43), the normalized sensitivity indices are computed. The sensitivity indices and the associated percentage changes needed to affect a 1% decrease in R0 are given in Tables 1 and 2. Since the effective rate of patient isolation and the average rate of diagnosis are two feasible intervention strategies, we examine how changes to the parameters l and α affect R0.

Let us first consider the outbreak in Hong Kong. The value α = 0.2061 means that the mean time to diagnose an infected person's illness is approximately 4.85 days. The sensitivity index Ψα = –0.1933 means that a 5.2% increase in α, which in turn requires a decrease of 5.7 hours of mean time to diagnosis, would result in a decrease of approximately 1% in R0. Similarly, the sensitivity index Ψl = 0.5183 suggests that a 1.9% decrease in the value of l, that is going from 0.43 to 0.42 isolation effectiveness,1 results in a 1% decrease in R0. In other words, individually a 5.2% increase in a or a 1.9% decrease in l both result in approximately a 1% decrease in R0. For the particular values of the parameters chosen for Hong Kong, the most effective way to reduce R0 is to decrease the transmission rate β and the parameter l (improve the effective isolation rate). In the case of Toronto, Ψα = –0.4758 means that a 2.1% increase in α, results in a 1% decrease in R0, whereas Ψl = 0.2001 means a 5% decrease in l also results in a 1% decrease in R0.

As can be seen from these two examples, the importance or ranking of the sensitivity indices can change as the values of the parameters change. Specifically, the sensitivity indices Ψl and Ψα satisfy the relationship


Appendix Figure
Appendix Figure.

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Figure. Level curve of (l,α)...

For the particular values of the parameters given above, the Appendix Figure shows the level curve for the pair (l,α), where l(α+2γ1+2δ) = δ+γ2. The particular parameter values are either for Toronto (l,α) = (0.1, 0.2064) or for Hong Kong (l,α) = (0.43, 0.2064). Choosing the parameter values (l,α) below the level curve means that ||Ψl|| < ||Ψα||and the converse is true if (l,α) is chosen above the curve. Along the level curve, the magnitude of the sensitivities is equal. Notice that the level curve divides the parameter space into two regions, each of area Aabove and Abelow, respectively. Since Aabove >> Abelow, Ψl will be the dominant sensitivity index for randomly chosen (l,α).

One aspect of implementing an efficient intervention policy is the fact that limited resources are available. If one assumes, for example, that the strategies of isolation and diagnosis have associated 1% incremental costs in implementation of δCI and δCD, respectively, then a mixed strategy should be formulated that maximizes the effectiveness of a combined intervention. Specifically, if x denotes the magnitude of percentage decrease in l, and y denotes the % increase in a and assuming that there is a maximum amount of total additional resources available (δCT), then the total additional cost of a new mixed isolation and diagnosis intervention policy must satisfy the inequality δCIx+δCDy < δCT. Since the objective is to maximize the decrease in R0, this means we want to maximize the objective function P = ||Ψl||x+||Ψα||y under the appropriate constraints. In a more general setting, additional nonlinear constraints could be involved, which case would require one to solve a nonlinear optimization problem. The situation in which the cost of diagnosis of infected persons may be much greater than the cost of isolation or vice versa is certainly of interest.


  1. Caswell H. Matrix population models. 2nd ed. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers; 2001.
  2. Chowell G, Fenimore PW, Castillo-Garsow MA, Castillo-Chavez C. SARS outbreaks in Ontario, Hong Kong, and Singapore: the role of diagnosis and isolation as a control mechanism. J Theor Biol. 2003;224:1–8.


Appendix Table 1. Sensitivity indices for Toronto with l = 0.1

Positive sensitivity indices

Negative sensitivity indices

Ψβ = 1


Ψα = –0.4758


Ψr = 0.6063


Ψδ = –0.1707


Ψl = 0.2001


Ψγ2 = –0.1208


Ψγ = 0.1172


Ψk = –0.1172


Ψp = 0.0906


Ψγ1 = –0.1156



Appendix Table 2. Sensitivity indices for Hong Kong with l = 0.43

Positive sensitivity indices

Negative sensitivity indices

Ψβ = 1


Ψγ2 = –0.3129


Ψρ = 0.6063


Ψδ = –0.3016


Ψl = 0.5183


Ψα = –0.1933


Ψp = 0.0906


Ψγ1 = –0.1216


Ψq = 0.0706


Ψk = –0.0706


1Recall that l = 0 corresponds to complete isolation, whereas l = 1 means no effective isolation occurs. Hence, a decrease in l means an increase in the effective isolation of the infected persons.

Comments to the Authors

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Gerardo Chowell, Biological Statistics and Computational Biology, Cornell University, 432 Warren Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853, fax: 607-255-4698; email:

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This page posted June 10, 2004
This page last reviewed July 21, 2004

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