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Effects of Urbanization on Stream Ecosystems

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Publications of the Effects of Urbanization on Streams Studies

Brown L.A., Gray, R. H., Hughes, R.M., Meador, M.R., 2005, Introduction to effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems: in Brown, L.R., Gray, R.H., Hughes, R.M., and Meador, M.R., eds., Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems: American Fisheries Society, Symposium 47, Bethesda, Maryland, p. 1-6.

Brown, L.A., Burton, C.A., and Belitz, Kenneth, 2005, Aquatic assemblages of the highly urbanized Santa Ana River Basin, California: in Brown, L.R., Gray, R.H., Hughes, R.M., and Meador, M.R., eds., Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems: American Fisheries Society, Symposium 47, Bethesda, Maryland, p. 263-287.

Burton, C.A., Brown, L.R., and Belitz, Kenneth, 2005, Assessing water source and channel type as factors affecting benthic macroinvertebrate and periphyton assemblages in the highly urbanized Santa Ana River Basin, California: in Brown, L.R., Gray, R.H., Hughes, R.M., and Meador, M.R., eds., Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems: American Fisheries Society, Symposium 47, Bethesda, Maryland, p. 239-262.

Carter, J.L., and Fend, S.V., 2005, Setting limits: The development and use of factor-ceiling distributions for an urban assessment using macroinvertebrates: in Brown, L.R., Gray, R.H., Hughes, R.M., and Meador, M.R., eds., Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems: American Fisheries Society, Symposium 47, Bethesda, Maryland, p. 179-191.

Chang, Ming, Kennen, J. G., Del Corso, E., 2000, Evaluating temporal changes in stream condition in three New Jersey River Basins by using an Index of Biotic Integrity: Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Sciences, v. 45, p. 1-12.

Fend, S.V., Carter, J.L., and Kearns, F.R., 2005, Relationships of field habitat measurements, visual habitat indices, and land cover to benthic macroinvertebrates in urbanized streams of the Santa Clara Valley, California: in Brown, L.R., Gray, R.H., Hughes, R.M., and Meador, M.R., eds., Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems: American Fisheries Society, Symposium 47, Bethesda, Maryland, p. 193-212.

Fitzpatrick, F.A., Harris, M.A., Arnold, T.L., and Richards, K.D., 2005, Urbanization influences on aquatic communities in northeastern Illinois streams: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 40, no. 2, p. 461-475.

Fitzpatrick, F.A., Diebel, M.W., Harris, M.A., Arnold, T.L., Lutz, M.A., and Richards, K.D., 2005, Effects of urbanization on the geomorphology, habitat, hydrology, ad fish index of biotic integrity of streams in the Chicago Area, Illinois and Wisconsin: in Brown, L.R., Gray, R.H., Hughes, R.M., and Meador, M.R., eds., Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems: American Fisheries Society, Symposium 47, Bethesda, Maryland, p. 87-115.

Harris, M.A., Scudder, B.C., Fitzpatrick, F.A., and Arnold, T.L., 2005, Physical, chemical, and biological responses to urbanization in the Fox and Des Plaines River Basins of northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5218, 72 p.

Kennen, J.G., Chang, Ming, and Tracy, B.H., 2005, Effects of landscape change on fish assemblage structure in a rapidly growing metropolitan area in North Carolina, USA: in Brown, L.R., Gray, R.H., Hughes, R.M., and Meador, M.R., eds., Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems: American Fisheries Society, Symposium 47, Bethesda, Maryland, p. 39-52.

Kennen, J.G., 1999, Relating macroinvertebrate community impairment to catchment characteristics in NJ streams: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 35, no. 4, p. 939-955.

Kennen, J.G., and Ayers, M.A., 2002, Relation of environmental characteristics to the composition of aquatic assemblages along a gradient of urban land use in New Jersey, 1996-98, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 02-4069, 77p.

Konrad, C.P., and Booth, D.B., 2005, Hydrologic changes in urban streams and their ecological significance: in Brown, L.R., Gray, R.H., Hughes, R.M., and Meador, M.R., eds., Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems: American Fisheries Society, Symposium 47, Bethesda, Maryland, p. 157-177.

Konrad, C.P., Booth D.B., and Burges, S.J., 2005, Effect of urban development in the Puget Lowland, Washington, on interannual streamflow patterns: consequences for channel for and streambed disturbance: Water Resources Research, v. 41, W07009, doi:10.1029/2005WR004097, 15 p.

Ourso, R.T., 2001, Effects of urbanization on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in streams, Anchorage, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4278. 38 p.

Ourso, R.T., and Frenzel, S.A., 2003, Identification of linear and threshold responses in streams along a gradient of urbanization in Anchorage, Alaska: Hydrobiologia, v. 501, no. 1-3, p. 117-131.

Rowe, T.G., Rosen, M.R., Goodbred, S.L. and Shipley, D.O., 2005, Relation between urbanization and relative toxicity of semipermeable membrane device extracts in the Lake Tahoe Basin and Truckee River watershed, Nevada and California: Journal of the Nevada Water Resources Association, vol. 2, p. 58-89.

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