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The INSPIRE Project, Inc. is supported in part through a NASA training grant

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"Certainly one of the most enthralling things about human life is the recognition that we live in what, for practical purposes, is a universe without bounds."

James Alfred Van Allen (7 September 1914 - 9 August 2006)
An American physicist who discovered the Earth's magnetosphere, two toroidal zones of radiation due to trapped charged particles encircling the Earth.

The INSPIRE Project, Inc. is offering you competitions which will award you resources to explore this vast universe creatively and with precision. Co-Founder Dr. Bill Taylor had Dr. Van Allen as a mentor at the University of Iowa while pursuing his graduate degrees. INSPIRE encourages students of all ages to participate in its Memorial Scholarship and Internships programs. So please read on, delve into our website and decide that you would like to be included in our next generation of scientists, technologists, engineers or mathematicians.

INSPIRE JOURNAL - January 2009 Issue
To read the latest issue of The INSPIRE Journal, click here.

INSPIRE 2008-09

Science Competition - NASA Goddard Internships - Space Academy for Educators - Robotics Workshops for Educators

The INSPIRE Project, Inc. is pleased to offer the following 2008-09 opportunities for high school and college students and educators in all the fields of physical sciences.

Bill Taylor

Dr. William W.L. "Bill" Taylor Memorial Science Scholarship Competition
Scholarship Awards: $5,000 per recipient

In honor of The INSPIRE Project, Inc.'s Dr. Bill Taylor, The INSPIRE Project, Inc. with its partners at the DC Space Grant Consortium, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and other science and technology organizations established this annual science scholarship competition. Scientifically oriented undergraduate and graduate college students and high school seniors who will be attending a DC metro area college or university in Fall 2009 are encouraged to apply.
Click here for complete information

Goddard2009 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center INSPIRE Paid Internships
Internship Awards: $5,000 per recipient, plus $400 travel stipend

The INSPIRE Project, Inc. is sponsoring part-time (15-20 hours per week), paid internships at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Two (2) part-time paid internships are available. Students will be paired with a mentor at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and projects will be focused on science and engineering research.
APPLY TODAY! Click here for complete information

Space Adademy HuntsvilleSpace Academy for Educators Scholarship Program
JULY 2009 NASA Marshall Flight Center, Huntsville AL

The INSPIRE Project Inc. is offering two full scholarships to Space Academy for Educators. This 5-day program for educators includes intensive classroom, laboratory and training time, focusing on space science and space exploration. Educators also take part in astronaut-style training and simulations, as well as activities designed to promote life-long learning in a classroom setting. All lessons and activities link to National Science and Math Standards and are ready to use in the classroom. All expenses included.
Click here for complete information

Space Camp Campus Weekend Workshop Scholarship Program
JULY 2009 NASA Marshall Flight Center, Huntsville AL

The INSPIRE Project Inc. is offering two full scholarships to the Robotics Weekend Workshop in July 2009. As part of the Education Department of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center’s professional development program, the Robotics Weekend Workshop is the perfect way to learn how to incorporate Lego Mindstorm / NXT Robotics equipment into your curriculum or as an after school program. This workshop is intended for teachers with very little experience in robotics. All expenses included.
Click here for complete information



Co-founded in 1989 by Dr. William W.L. Taylor, former Chief Scientist for Space Station Freedom at NASA headquarters and a pioneer in science education and public outreach, The INSPIRE Project provides creative hands-on opportunities for students of all ages to observe Very Low Frequency waves (i.e. lightning and other atmospheric sounds) by using the INSPIRE VLF-3 Natural Radio Sound Receiver. In addition to coordinated field observations, INSPIRE partners with NASA to give science workshops at local high schools and universities in Washington, DC. INSPIRE students receive hands-on, real world experience and a higher degree of learning in the fields of physical sciences. INSPIRE also seeks to enhance educators in their knowledge in the field of space science to encourage our next generation of scientists.

For more information on The INSPIRE Project, Inc. contact Kathleen Franzen, President, at, 202.547.1364.