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San Juan Island National Historical ParkGriffin Bay with Turtleback Ridge in background from American Camp's prairie.
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San Juan Island National Historical Park
Otter Pelts and Silk - the Exploration of the Pacific Northwest

HMS Satellite and USCS Steamer Active
University of California

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Date: June 15, 2007

Learn about San Juan island’s direct connection to the China trade and the struggle for empire among the Spanish, British and United States fur trading companies and governments in "Otter Pelts and Silk: The Exploration of the Pacific Northwest," in this 90-minute Power Point program with park historian Mike Vouri.

The program is free and scheduled at 1 p.m., Saturday, June 16, in the English Camp barracks. Call (360) 378-2902 or 378-4409 for special access information. A golf cart is available to transport seniors and others to and from the parking area.

The San Juan Boundary Dispute was the end result of more than three centuries of contention by western European civilizations over the land and resources of the Pacific Northwest. But even before the first sails appeared on the horizon, the Northern Straits region was home to a thriving culture that had been here for thousands of years. All were attracted by the temperate climate, rich soil, abundant timber and the bounty of the sea.

Vouri will trace the exploration of the North Pacific from the journey of Marco Polo to the first landfall on San Juan Island by Hudson’s Bay Company agents. Along the way visitors will meet Francis Drake, James Cook, Vitus Bering and Charles Wilkes among others, including a few surprises.


Did You Know?
Each year at English Camp, an osprey pair establishes a nest on a snag looming above the parade ground.Visitors can track the progress of the young via bird scope.

Last Updated: June 15, 2007 at 19:28 EST