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San Juan Island National Historical ParkEnglish Camp barracks
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San Juan Island National Historical Park
Self Guided
Waysides such as English Camp's parade ground piece make the camp's past come alive for students and casual visitors alike.
NPS Photo
Waysides such as English Camp's parade ground piece (above)make the camp's past come alive for students and casual visitors alike.

San Juan Island National Historical Park visitor services were designed, in part, to provide information for visitors arriving after hours.

Self-guided walk booklets are available in trail head boxes at both park units and year round in the American Camp visitor center. The park map and guide, annual newspaper, Pig War education resource guide and Junior Ranger worksheets are also available online and year round in the American visitor center.

Additionally, at both camps, wayside exhibits provide immediate interpretive information at locations of historical significance.

West Valley Road on San Juan Island  

Did You Know?
Many of San Juan Island's roads trace sheep runs cut by Hudson's Bay Company workers. They were led, in part, by Fort Victoria Chief Factor and colonial Gov. James Douglas, from 1853 to 1859. Many of the workers were Cowichan Indians from Vancouver Island.

Last Updated: August 06, 2006 at 13:55 EST