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About the SPACEWARN Bulletin...

The SPACEWARN Bulletin is intended to serve as an international communication mechanism for the rapid distribution of information on satellites and space probes. The material it contains is based on guidelines in "COSPAR Guide to Rocket and Satellite Information and Data Exchange," COSPAR Transactions #8, December 1972, and various Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) resolutions.

The SPACEWARN Bulletin is issued on the first of each month and provides a listing of launches and brief details of each launch from the preceding month. Also included are the status of some specialized fleets (such as GLONASS and GPS) or links to other sites that provide current status.

Back issues of the SPACEWARN Bulletin are available via two mechanisms. The first is the World-Wide Web at:

The second is via anonymous FTP at:

If you wish to receive notification of additions and updates to the SPACEWARN Bulletin, send e-mail to with the text "subscribe spacewarn-announce". (Don't include the quotes. No subject line is necessary.) If you wish to cease receiving the notifications, send e-mail to the same account with the text "unsubscribe spacewarn-announce".

Users are urged to submit their comments and suggestions for the improvement of this bulletin by sending e-mail to or by writing to:

World Data Center for Satellite Information
Code 690.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 U.S.A.

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