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U.S. Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration
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March 8, 2007



PROGRAMS: Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker

SUBJECT:    Agricultural Services Technical Assistance Training, April 4-5, San Antonio

1. Purpose. To advise State Workforce Agencies of the Agricultural Services Technical Assistance Training Workshop to be held in San Antonio, Texas, April 4 and 5, 2007.

2. Reference.  20 CFR 653.108 (e) and (k); Workforce Investment Act of 1998.

3. Background.  In conjunction with the MAFO Year 2007 National Farmworker Conference, ETA Regions 4, 5 and 6 will hold an annual training and professional development workshop for all Monitor Advocates, Assistant Monitor Advocates, National Farmworker Program (NFJP) coordinators, and Federal Project Officers FPO and other staff who are involved with agricultural services and Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW) issues.

To ensure continued collaboration with our farmworker organization partners and to provide timely training on changes which impact MSFW services, participation in the Agricultural Services training is encouraged.

For information regarding the MAFO conference, please visit

3. Substance.   This Agricultural Services training will bring together farmworker organizations, State and Federal Monitor Advocates, Federal Project Officers, NFJP grantees and outreach workers to discuss the various issues and legislative changes that impact the provision of services to MSFW's, including changes under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.  The main objectives of this year's training are to:

a. better integrate the services to MSFW's and agricultural employers in the Workforce System;

b. facilitate the exchange of information among farmworker service providers; and

c. enhance communication and cooperation between farmworker groups and State and Federal officials. 

The Agricultural Services Training Agenda (attached) will include discussion of the Agricultural Forums findings, Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED), Integrating Services to MSFW's and Agricultural employers in the Workforce System, and discussions on Effective Recruitment and Referral in an Integrated System.

4. Arrangements. The Agricultural Services training will be held at:

Omni San Antonio Hotel
9821 Colonnade Boulevard
San Antonio, Texas 78230.

The special rate for the Omni San Antonio Hotel during the training will be $103.00 per night.  For reservations, participants should contact the hotel directly by phone on 210.691.8888 (mention MAFO).  Hotel reservations should be made and confirmed by March 16, 2007 to receive the special conference rate.

5.  Action.  State Administrators are requested to share this Information Alert with their State Monitor Advocates and encourage their attendance at the Agricultural Services training.

6. Contact.  Questions concerning the Agricultural Services training should be directed to:

Region 4 - Jesus Morales, 972.850.4616
Region 5 - Eric Hernandez, 312.596.5419
Region 6 - Martin Rios, 415.975.4679

Questions or comments about the format of this Alert may be directed to Robert Rainault on 312.596.5416

7. Attachment. Employment and Training Administration Agricultural Services Training Agenda



Wednesday, April 4, 2007

10:00-10:15  Welcome by the Texas Workforce Commission & ETA Region 4

10:15-11:15  Presentation on Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development  (WIRED) presentation and Agricultural Services.

Discussion Leader: Gay Gilbert, Administrator, Office of Adult Services, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (invited)

WIRED is the driving force to integrate economic and workforce development activities and demonstrate that talent development can drive economic transformation and how it can be incorporated into rural areas to benefit rural communities and it residents. 

11:15-12:00  Agricultural Business and Workforce System Integration Forums Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Discussion Leader: Jonathan Simonetta, Manpower Analyst, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (invited)

This session will examine the findings from the three ETA-sponsored Agricultural Business and Workforce System Integration Forums. 

§         Employer Challenges and Solutions

§         Workforce System Challenges and Solutions

§         Strategic Planning for System Integration

§         Interesting Case Studies

12:00-1:30   Lunch

1:30-2:30     Continuation of Agricultural Business and Workforce System Integration Forums Best Practices and Lessons Learned

2:30-3:30               Plenary Session with Effective Partnership Panel. 

Panel will provide an overview of the services (employment, training) that each group provides to agricultural employers and all members of the farm worker community (farm workers, migrants, seasonal farm workers) in an effort to better integrate these services in the One-Stop Workforce System.  We want to look at where integration is working well, and where we can improve.  Panel would include 2 One-Stops and two NFJP grantees that work effectively together.

3:30-3:45               Break

3:45-4:45               Effective Recruitment and Referral in an Integrated System.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

8:00-8:30               Coffee and Drinks

8:30-10:30              Annual Plan/Summary Report Preparation

·         Labor Exchange Agricultural Reporting System - State Agency's  electronic submission requirement of the Services to Migrant and Seasonal Farm workers ETA Form 5148 quarterly report 

·         Reporting Outreach Contacts

·         Complaints Taken

·         Equity Indicators

·         Minimum Service Level Indicators

10:30-10:45  Break

10:45-12:00  Integrating Services to MSFWs in the One-Stop System - A review of how required services can be provided to MSFWs.

·                           Integration of the full range of Employment and Training Services (Self-Services, Staff Assisted Services, and Intensive Services)

·                           Job Information

·         Outreach Services

·         Complaint Processing

12:00-1:30    Lunch

1:30-3:00      Group working session around next steps, what's needed and action plans.

3:00             Adjournment