Interview Tips

    Anyone can make a mistake, but doing so during the job application or interview process can be a big problem.  Preparation is just as important in finding a good part-time job as it is in locating a career position.  A recent study conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) found that 44% of employers say it’s a job candidate’s general demeanor that first gets their attention during an interview.  “Within the first minute or two of the interview the employer will already form an impression of the applicant based on appearance, manners, and attitude”.

    Students applying for jobs should maintain a neat, clean appearance and dress appropriately for the interview.  A formal suit is rarely required for a part-time position, usually a more relaxed, yet professional look will suffice.  If unsure what to wear, call the company and ask what would be appropriate.  A resume may or may not be required.  Students should at least have a list of previous employers, and dates worked, and 2-3 references.  Applicants should be prepared to interview immediately if asked, and the student should “always” keep an interview commitment once made.  If a situation arises preventing the student from making the interview, the applicant should always call and let the employer know.

    Many job search tips and procedures can be found on the internet by searching terms like “Part-time jobs”, “Interview tips”, “Resumes”, etc.  The Center for Career Opportunities website at also has multiple job search aids for students.  Students can always call Student Employment Services at 765-494-5056 or visit us in Schleman Hall, Room 302, Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm for job search help.

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