[graphic] National Park Service, text and arrowhead, which is a link to the N P S homepage[graphic] National Park Service, text and arrowhead, which is a link to the N P S homepage
  [graphic] Link to Travel Itineraries Homepage
[Graphic] National Register of Historic Places, National Register Travel Itineraries [Graphic] Link to National Register Homepage[Graphic] Link to the Research section of NRHP website. Rollover prompts display of text: National Register Research, Is It Listed? Find out![Graphic] Link to Education section of NRHP site. Rollover prompts graphic Teaching with Historic Places logo and text overlay: Online Lesson Plans![Graphic] Link to Publications section NRHP site. Rollover prompts graphic publications and text overlay: Publications: Learn How to List a Property! [graphic] Discover Our Shared Heritage[Photo] Community Center of Goddard College Greatwood Campus, originally a hay barn and silos, in Plainfield, Vermont

About The Travel Itinerary Series

Since 1995, the National Park Service has been pleased to develop this series of travel itineraries in collaboration with many public and private partners. These travel itineraries highlight thousands of sites that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places—bringing them to the attention of anyone interested in learning more about American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture and encouraging people to visit and enjoy these important and inspiring places. Many of the travel itineraries were first proposed by local preservation organizations, historical societies, chambers of commerce, city governments, and regional or statewide groups, who then worked in partnership with the National Park Service to develop them.

The National Park Service is grateful to all of its partners who have contributed to the travel itinerary program. For program information, please contact us.

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