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Oakridge/Westfir Thinning & Fuels Reduction Project

 Find out more

Brochure describing project
Text version | PDF version ~ 693 kb

Map of Project Area

Fire History Map (pdf ~ 832 kb)

NEPA Documentation
Planning documents & maps


photo of second growth stand on Middle Fork Ranger District before thinning treatment showing build up of fuels
Second growth stand on Middle Fork Ranger District before thinning treatment

photo of stand from area adjacent to project area showing how spacing from thinning and how thinning would clear out fuels
Adjacent area after commercial thinning to a spacing similar to project proposal

In an effort to reduce fire risk to the communities of Oakridge and Westfir, and the High Prairie area, the Middle Fork Ranger District is proposing a thinning and fuel reduction project.

How to get involved

Purpose & Need for Project

The main purpose of this project is to reduce long-term fire risk to the communities of Oakridge and Westfir and the High Prairie area.

  • The proposed thinning treatments would help protect the private and public radio transmitter site on Dead Mountain, the future site of the Hazeldell Rural Fire Protection District substation, and the Willamette Fish Hatchery from wildfires.
  • Restoration of Ponderosa pine/Oregon white oak and meadow habitats would create a less fire-prone condition.


  • November 2007 – Action alternative developed
  • December 4, 2007 – Second public meeting
  • January 10, 2008 – Scoping comments due
  • January 2008- Action alternative finalized
  • June 2008 - Environmental Assessment completed
  • June/July 2008 – Objection and Resolution periods
  • August 2008 – Decision Notice signed
  • August 2008 –Implementation begins

Planning documents and maps

Find out more

Track the project through the NEPA planning process from Scoping to development of Environmental Assessment to the Decision Notice.

For details an background about the project, see our Oakridge/Westfir Thinning & Fuel Reduction Project brochure (pdf ~ 693 kb).
[Text version]

Information about the Healthy Forest Restoration Act of 2003 is available from goes offsite

Map of Project Area

See Scoping Packet in the NEPA section for additional maps.




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