TwHP Lessons

Lincoln Home National Historic Site:
A Place of Growth and Memory

[Photo] Present-day photo of the Lincoln Home, Springfield, IL.
(Courtesy of Lincoln Home National Historic Site)


braham Lincoln came of age while living and working as a private citizen in Springfield, Illinois. It was here that he chose to settle down, build a life for himself and his family, and worked hard to achieve success. Lincoln was a husband, parent, and neighbor, who experienced the same hopes, dreams, and challenges of life still experienced by people today. Many of Lincoln's social and political beliefs were formed while he lived in the house at Eighth and Jackson Streets. It was Lincoln's belief in freedom and democracy, his eloquence, and the support of family and community that propelled him to the White House, uplifted him through the turbulent Civil War, and inspired him to turn the war into a "new birth of freedom." It was also to Springfield that Abraham Lincoln was borne in a funeral train to be buried.

Today, hundreds of thousands of people visit the Lincoln Home every year to learn more about the man who fought for the ideals of freedom and democracy. Even during Lincoln's life, when he was an attorney turned president-elect, people came to Springfield at Eighth and Jackson Streets to learn more about Lincoln, his family, and his home. Reporters and photographers also came, charged with telling the rest of America through words and images about the little known, Abraham Lincoln.


About This Lesson

Getting Started: Inquiry Question

Setting the Stage: Historical Context

Locating the Site: Maps
 1. Where Abraham Lincoln lived prior to his

 2. Overview of Springfield, Illinois in 1860
 3. Slave and free states in U.S. in 1860
 4. 1860 presidential election results by state

Determining the Facts: Readings
 1. From Self-Taught Lawyer to President
 2. Excerpts from Key Lincoln Speeches
 3. Abraham Lincoln's Springfield Farewell

 3. Springfield Newspaper Account of Abraham
 Lincoln's Funeral

Visual Evidence: Images
 1. Lincoln Home, 1860
 2. Republican rally, 1860
 3. Illustration of the Lincoln's front parlor, 1860
 4. Restored formal parlor within the Lincoln

 4. Funeral Dignitaries in front of Lincoln's Home,
 May 1865

Putting It All Together: Activities
 1. A Newspaper Account
 2. A Visit from a Hometown Politician
 3. Modern Reporting

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Lincoln Home National Historic Site

The lesson is based on the Lincoln Home National Historic Site, one of the thousands of properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Lincoln Home National Historic Site has been designated a National Historic Landmark.



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