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ECONOMICS AND TRADE | Achieving growth through open markets

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  • Close-up of Barack Obama, U.S. flag behind him (AP Images)

    Obama Vows to Set a New Course for Economy

    President-elect Barack Obama promises to make every effort to change the course of a slumping economy and take a new approach to economic challenges. But he cautions that a turnaround won’t happen overnight.


  • Spending vs. Savings chart thumbnail
    Spending Vs. Saving

    In the United States, consumer spending makes up just more than 70 percent of gross domestic product, which measures a nation's economy. The U.S. savings rate is the lowest in the world. Here's a look at how U.S. spending and savings compare with other large economies.


In Brief

  • Trader on the New York Stock Exchange watches monitors (AP Images)
    U.S. Central Bank Makes History

    "It's … a psychological move to show the market the Fed is still there and still willing to do whatever it takes." Richard Sylla, financial historian at New York University


  • Romer and Obama on stage (AP Images)
    Election 2008 – The Cabinet of the U.S. President

    As Barack Obama prepares to assume the presidency in January, he and his team of advisers are busy choosing the next group of leaders for the U.S. government's many agencies.

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