Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige on Passage of D.C. School Choice Legislation in the House of Representatives
Archived Information

September 5, 2003
Contact: Dan Langan
(202) 401-1576

"I've always believed that expanding educational options for parents MUST be an integral part of our efforts to strengthen our schools and to leave no child behind. Parents in our nation's capital are demanding more and better options for their children, and this vote takes us one step closer to making the dream of a better education a reality for thousands of children in Washington, D.C.

"A child should not have his or her educational circumstances limited by their parent's income, the color of their skin, or the dialect of their speech. It's just not fair to use the power of government to chain a child to a school, which is not serving them well. Disadvantaged parents should have the right to make choices for their children just as other parents have.

"Today's action represents not just the vision of the President and I, and a bipartisan Congress, but also the demands of Washington's local leaders who boldly challenged the status quo and fought hard for children who are being left behind. They deserve our praise.

"I want to congratulate Reps. Davis, Boehner, Frelinghuysen, Shays and their colleagues for their tenacity and their untiring commitment to D.C.'s children.

"America will be watching as this program unfolds and makes its indelible mark on our efforts to help reform education in D.C. and across the country. I'm proud to have worked with the countless individuals who helped make today's vote possible."



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