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Lunar Field Geology

NSSDC ID: 1969-099C-01
Mission Name: Apollo 12 Lunar Module / ALSEP
Principal Investigator: Dr. Eugene M. Shoemaker


This experiment entailed the collection and documentation fo geologic rock samples. The samples were collected using tongs, scoops, a hammer, and core tubes. A closeup stereoscopic surface camera, the modified 70-mm Hasselblads, and a 16-mm camera used in experiment 69-099A-01 (photography) were also used to document the findings of the astronauts and their traverse of 1.5 km from the landing site. all samples were placed in vacuum tight containers, and the 34 kg of rock samples from the contingency and both the bulk and documented containers were brought back to earth for use in extensive scientific investigations of the composition of the moon and its origin.


  • Planetary Science: Geology and Geophysics

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Selected References

Shoemaker, E. M., et al., Preliminary geologic investigation of the Apollo 12 landing site. Part A - Geology of the Apollo 12 landing site, In -- Apollo 12 Preliminary Science Report, NASA SP-235, 113-182, 1970.

Preliminary examination of lunar samples, In -- Apollo 12 Preliminary Science Report, NASA SP-235, 189-216, 1970.

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