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Photographic Studies

NSSDC ID: 1969-099A-01
Mission Name: Apollo 12 Command and Service Module (CSM)


Apollo 12 carried photographic equipment and materials to (1) obtain photographs of the transposition, docking, lunar module ejection maneuver, and the LM rendezvous sequence from both the command and lunar modules, (2) obtain photos of the lunar ground track and of the landing site from the low point of the LM's flight path, (3) record the operational activities of the crew, (4) obtain long-distance earth and lunar terrain photographs with 70-mm still cameras, and (5) obtain photos of lunar surface features and of the activities of the astronauts who landed on the moon. The camera equipment carried by Apollo 12 consisted of one 70-mm Hasselblad electric camera, two Hasselblad data cameras, two 16-mm Maurer data acquisition cameras, one 35-mm lunar surface stereoscopic closeup camera, and a four-camera, multispectral, S-158 experiment. Various lenses were used with these cameras for specific types of photography. The photographs included 1584 frames of 70-mm format, 69,519 frames of 16-mm format, 15 stereoscopic pairs, and 552 frames of photography from the S-158 experiment. A user's package containing detailed information about the photographic equipment and coverage, availability of photographs, ordering procedures, and proof prints for the Apollo 12 photography is available from NSSDC. Requesters should ask for NSSDC 70-09.


  • Planetary Science: Geology and Geophysics

Additional Information

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Selected References

Helfenstein, P., and M. K. Shepard, Submillimeter-scale topography of the lunar regolith, Icarus, 141, No. 1, 107-131, Sept. 1999.

Gold, T., et al., Lunar surface closeup stereoscopic photography, In -- Apollo 12 Preliminary Report, NASA SP-235, 183-188, 1970.

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