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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
01.07.09 - Short Course on MERRA at the American Meteorological Society Meeting
At the Annual AMS Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, GMAO Staff along with GES DISC staff are giving a one-day short course on January 11 entitled "the Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data and accessibility".
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01.06.09 - American Meteorological Society Short Course on Giovanni
At the Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society in Phoenix, Arizona, GES DISC staff are giving a one-day short course entitled “Online Visualization and Analysis of Atmospheric Processes Utilizing NASA Satellite Data in Giovanni", on Sunday, January 11, 2009.
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01.06.09 - Giovanni for MERRA data is now available
Two new instances of Giovanni supporting the recently released Modern Era-Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data have been added to the Giovanni family
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12.24.08 - A-Train reconfiguration.
An important event of 2008 was the A-Train reconfiguration. Aura was left to drift forward and closer to CloudSat and CALIPSO, which was finalized in May 2008 and now has a profound impact on MLS collocation with these instruments.
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12.24.08 - Giovanni system unavailable on December 24, 2008
The Giovanni system is undergoing routine maintenance and will be unavailable for several hours on December 24, 2008.
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12.16.08 - Aqua and Terra MODIS Land Surface Temperature added to Giovanni
GES DISC added Aqua and Terra MODIS Land Surface Temperature V005 parameters to the Giovanni visualization and analysis system at http://gdata1.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/daac-bin/G3/gui.cgi?instance_id=neespi
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12.12.08 - New version 9 SORCE TSI data available.
New Version 9 SORCE Total Solar Irradiance Data (SOR3TSID and SOR3TSI6) are now available from the GES DISC. Please note the file format has changed slightly, so you should download the latest read software.
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12.11.08 - 2008 Fall AGU Meeting: Atmospheric Aerosols Presentations
Atmospheric aerosols (such as dust and soot and smoke and sulfate) affect the Earth and remote sensing observations of the Earth. That's why the GES DISC has four posters concerning atmospheric aerosol data at the 2008 Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco.
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12.11.08 - 2008 Fall AGU Meeting: Decision-Making and Education Presentations
The GES DISC has created data tools and data systems that are useful for scientists, but they are also useful for critical decision-making, particularly regarding climate, and for both formal and informal education. Those are the subjects of four presentations at the 2008 Fall AGU Meeting.
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12.10.08 - 2008 Fall AGU Meeting: Earth Science Data System Presentations
The Goddard Earth Sciences DISC has a tradition of excellence in utilizing cutting-edge techniques and methods to enable scientists to find and use remote-sensing geophysical data. Six presentations at the 2008 Fall AGU meeting highlight the DISC's technological expertise.
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC