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spirit rover   Five Years and Still Roving Mars - Spirit
NASA's Spirit rover has faced several challenges over the past five years but it's always been 'the little rover that could.' (Jan. 15)
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child looking through a telescope   2009 - International Year of Astronomy
To celebrate this stargazing year, amateur astronomers around the world are going to encourage their communities to look to the stars. (Jan. 14)
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Earth and Venus   What's Up for January
Take a look at Earth’s sister planet, Venus this month as we kick off International Year of Astronomy. (Dec. 24)
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Artist concept of moon lander   Shooting for the Moon
Engineers test an instrument that may be used in future moon landing missions. (Dec. 23)
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Steve Squyres   Five Years on Mars
In January, JPL will celebrate the fifth anniversary of Spirit and Opportunity landing on Mars, and the twin rovers will continue with their newest adventures. (Dec. 22)
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2008 Invention Challenge, Aerial Car Race   Aerial Car Race Contest
Southern California students race miniature cars suspended on a wire in this year's Invention Challenge engineering contest, proving that math and science can be fun and entertaining. (Dec. 17)
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Artist concept of the Mars Science Laboratory Rover   Name That Rover
NASA wants your help to name its next rover to Mars. (Dec. 12)
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WhatsUpDec08-th.jpg   What's Up for December
December will be a fantastic time to see the solar system from your own back yard. (Dec. 1)
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Artist concept of the Phoenix Mars Lander   Phoenix
The Mars Lander surpassed its original three-month mission, lasting five months in the Martian northern plains, digging up scientific 'firsts' along the way. (Nov. 10)
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Phoenix's robotic arm   Phoenix - A Tribute
After a picture-perfect landing, the Phoenix Mars Lander returned unprecedented views and new findings from Mars’ north polar region. (Nov. 10)
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Artist concept of the Mars Science Laboratory Rover   Mars Science Laboratory
Did Mars once have an environment capable of supporting life? NASA's next rover will further unravel that mystery. (Nov. 5)
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Saturn's cyclones   Saturn's Cyclones
Cassini scientist Kevin Baines explains how Saturn's serene appearance belies the roiling atmosphere beneath the clouds that is producing features such as cyclones. (Oct. 14)
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What's Up   What's Up for October
Spooky sights fill the night sky on Halloween and celestial treats will surprise you all month long. (Oct. 13)
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Katalin Herman   News From Saturn
Preview two flybys of Saturn’s geyser moon Enceladus. The first, on Oct. 9, will bring Cassini within about 16 miles of the moon’s surface. (Oct. 8)
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Gisselle Cunningham   A Student’s Perspective - Robotics
College student Gisselle Cunningham's summer stint on a JPL robotics project was the perfect fit. (Sept. 25)
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Victor Mejia   A Student’s Perspective - Computer Science
Returning for his fourth summer at JPL, Victor Mejia's focus this year: Writing software for JPL scientists. (Sept. 25)
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whats-up   What's Up for September
Step away from the city lights and gaze up at our Milky Way galaxy. You may even see one of the galaxy's spiral arms with your own eyes! (Sept. 9)
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space gallery icon   JPL Space Album, Summer 2008
As the summer comes to a close, take a moment to enjoy some of the best scenes from Earth, the solar system and beyond. (Aug. 28)
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Cassini - Four Years of Discovery   Cassini - Four Years of Discovery
New revelations of Saturn, its moons and rings, courtesy of NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn. (Aug. 15)
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whats-up   What's Up for August
Jupiter reigns the night sky this month. Find out where to look and what you'll see through a telescope. (Aug. 8)
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  Rover Flight Director Report
As Martian winter ebbs, there is more energy to power Spirit and Opportunity. Find out what our intrepid rovers are exploring (Aug. 1)
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Sally Ride   Dr. Sally Ride on Our Changing Climate
America's first woman astronaut discusses how JPL instruments and missions have helped revolutionize what we know about Earth. (July 24)
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whats-up   What's Up for June
Summer is here so it's the perfect season to talk about the sun. (June 26)
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Artist concept of Ulysses and the sun.   Sun Sets on Solar Mission
The sun will soon set on the Ulysses solar mission, which forever changed the way scientists view the sun and its affect on space. (June 13)
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  Phoenix Mars Landing: Nerves and Joy
Animation and mission control video from Mars Phoenix landing day May 25, 2008. (June 11)
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still shot from Phoenix video   Guided Tour of Mars Landing
Rob Manning, chief engineer for JPL's Mars Program, walks us through a simulation of the Mars Phoenix landing. (May 22)
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Todd Barber   News From Saturn
Cassini completes the final Titan flybys of its original Saturn tour and prepares for a two-year extension. (May 21)
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Ocean waves   Watching Our Oceans
A new satellite mission will help monitor Earth's changing climate and improve weather forecasting. (May 20)
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whats-up   What's Up for May
Get ready to gaze at galaxies through your telescope. Then compare your views to those taken in infrared by the Spitzer Space Telescope. (May 1)
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Climate Day 2008   Hot Topic - Earth
Scientists and educators teach students about climate change and its impact on Earth. (Apr. 21)
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cassini extended mission   The Tour Designers
Cassini tour designers worked at breakneck speed on plans for the spacecraft's extended stay at Saturn. (Apr. 15)
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Artist concept of Phoenix Mars Lander: Entry Descent and Landing   Phoenix Mars Lander: Entry Descent and Landing
It will be a real nail-biter on May 25, 2008, for engineers, as the Phoenix spacecraft performs a series of challenging maneuvers right before it lands on Mars. (Mar. 27)
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bacteria   Looking for Life in All the Right Places
Find out how NASA scientists are gathering exciting clues that will help them pick the best spots to search for possible signs of life beyond Earth. (Mar. 18)
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Enceladus   Taking the Plunge
On March 12, NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make its closest flyby yet to Saturn's moon Enceladus. (Mar. 11)
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A Postcard From Opportunity   A Postcard From Opportunity
Views from the jagged-edged Victoria Crater on Mars, taken by NASA's Opportunity rover. (Feb. 5)
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A Postcard From Spirit   A Postcard From Spirit
NASA's Spirit rover sends a stunning panorama from Gusev Crater, Mars. (Feb. 5)
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