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The fact Europe has taken the lead on climate change issues has given it a first-adopter advantage. Yet with President-elect Obama signaling his support for some type of federal carbon scheme, that soon might change.

Mark Scott, Green Business

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There are ways to increase your company's standing in search results; getting duped by scam artists isn't one of them



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Tips from Steve Wildstrom are now available every Thursday via podcast. Download at any time—or subscribe to the RSS Feed and get automatic updates. Then listen on your PC or digital music player


The Wireless Way

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An iPhone Communication Center

A new app called Pinger brings multiple communication streams—calls, instant messages, and Twitter and Facebook messages—into a single application


CEO Guide to Technology

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CEO Guide to the Desktop of the Future

Companies as varied as Nortel, Nationwide, and Bechtel are experimenting with virtual desktops that are likely to improve security—but will they reduce costs?


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This Week's Column

Apple's Sexy Software Upgrades

The latest improvements to iLife and iWork will keep the Mac's prices up and its market share rising

Computer Reviews

The Hottest Tech Developments of 2009

Watch for Microsoft's Windows 7; Apple's Snow Leopard; and Motorola and other smartphones running Google's Android software

Apple Laptops: The Hits Keep Coming

The latest MacBook and MacBook Pro enhancements should keep the hot streak going

Lightweights Get Serious

These rugged new laptops have full-size keyboards, so you can type in comfort

Digital Entertainment

NVIDIA Takes Video Games Into 3D

Its new system, GeForce 3D Vision, beats previous attempts to simulate dimensionality and may soon work for movies and business tasks, too

Hollywood's Digital Dawdling

Many great old films are unavailable on DVD or online thanks to movie studios' 20th century thinking

Streaming Netflix to Your Xbox

New Microsoft software lets you turn your game console into a home video screen, a big advance in online entertainment

On the Go

How Apple's iPhone Reshaped the Industry

Today, apps are where the action is, and consumers are reaping the benefits

The BlackBerry Storm Challenges the iPhone

Is BlackBerry's new handheld better than Apple's iconic device? That depends on whether you are mostly into messaging or browsing

The Only Truly Smart Smartphones

Thanks to the unique visions of Apple and RIM, BlackBerry and iPhone simply work

Managing Your Computer

Windows on a Mac: Virtually Perfect

New "virtualization" software lets Outlook and other apps work like Apple OS X programs

Baltimore's New WiMAX Service Flies Where Wi-Fi Flops

The wireless technology from Sprint Nextel and Clearwire is faster than 3G, ultra-reliable, and a promising alternative for home Internet

Google's Bruiser of a Browser

Chrome focuses on running programs on the Web, not just showing pages



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The Coming Desktop Revolution?

Companies as varied as Nortel, Nationwide, and Bechtel are experimenting with virtual desktops that are likely to improve security—but will they reduce costs?

Companies Seek PC Alternatives

Bechtel Rebuilds Its Computer Network from Scratch

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