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Ocimum sp. (Basil)

  • Varieties: African Blue, Siam Queen, Purple Ruffles, Green Ruffles, Purple Osmin, Red Rubin, Spicy Globe.
  • Flower Color: Green or purple foliage.
  • Plant Size: Different varieties range from 10 to 16 in.
  • Planting Site: Full sun.
  • Landscape Use: Specimen plants, edging or mass plantings.
  • Comments: Fragrant plants that attract butterflies; noteworthy contrasting foliage, color and texture.

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Thyme (Thyme)

  • Variety: Wooly Thyme.
  • Flower Color: Rose.
  • Plant Size: 1/2 in tall, 18 in wide.
  • Planting Site: Full sun.
  • Landscape Use: Rock gardens, stone walls, flagstone paths.
  • Comments: Well-drained soil; used as a ground cover; perennial.
  • Variety: Common Thyme.
  • Flower Color: Lilac to pink.
  • Plant Size: 12 in. tall, 12 in. wide.
  • Planting Site: Full sun.
  • Landscape Use: Herb garden, containers.
  • Comments: Well-drained soil; used in cooking and also in sachets; attracts bees; perennial.
  • Variety: Creeping Thyme.
  • Flower Color: Purple.
  • Plant Size: 3 to 6 in. tall, 18 in. wide.
  • Planting Site: Full sun.
  • Landscape Use: Rock gardens, herb gardens, among paving stones.
  • Comments: Well-drained soil; used as a ground cover; perennial.

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Rosmarinus offincinalis (Rosemary)

  • Varieties: Perennial - Arp, Athens Blue, Hill Hardy. Annual - Prostratus, Benenden Blue, Blue Boy, Marjorca Pink, Seven Sea, Tuscan Blue.
  • Flower Color: Light blue, blue or violet.
  • Plant Size: Varieties range from 8 inches to 5 feet tall.
  • Planting Site: Full sun; extremely well-drained soil.
  • Landscape Use: Containers - front or back of the border; specimen plants; winter evergreen foliage; fragrance.
  • Comments: Fragrant plants valued for fine foliage texture; sensitive to root rot disease from poor soil drainage; foliage has variety of uses (medicinal, cooking, potpourri, etc.)

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Salvia officinalis (Garden Sage)

  • Varieties: Berggarten, Aurea, Purpurea, Tricolor, Icterina.
  • Flower Color: Blue-purple. Plant Size: 24 inches.
  • Planting Site: Full sun.
  • Landscape Use: Containers, mixed borders, or mass plantings. Culinary, fragrance and medicinal uses.
  • Comments: Well-drained soil; heat and drought resistant; sensitive to root rot. Early summer bloom, colorful evergreen foliage. Attracts butterflies, perennial.

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