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Recent AFEI Reports
  Information Sharing Working Group White Paper: Federated Governance of Information Sharing Within the Extended Enterprise

Executive Forum Report:

Recommendations for DoD Acquisition of Information Services and SOA Systems

Executive Summary

Request the full text version here


Federal Tech Talk


Brian Wilczynski, Director of Architecture & Interoperability talks with John Gilroy about the DoD Enterprise Architecture Conference. Listen


Pete Cuviello interview with John Gilroy on Warfighters Vision Conference here


AFEI Cyber Deterrence interview with Federal News Radio and Tom Fuhrman, VP of Booz Allen Hamilton here

Interest Items

DoD CIO Comments

at WFV conference on priorities for DoD and the Intelligence Community



The National Security Agency Enterprise Security Management Initiative Brochure

Government Links

DoD CIO Web Site

Updated NCES User's Guide

DoD Transformation Trends Archives


News & Updates

John Garing, DISA CIO, to Speak at AFEI Open Technologies Conference

  John Garing, CIO and Director of Strategic Planning at DISA, will be one of the keynote speakers at the 4th DoD Open Technologies Conference.  John will speak on the the vision of DoD 2.0 and how open technologies fit into that vision.

For more information on the conference visit the web site here

AFEI SOA Report To Be Briefed at NDIA Event

The SOA acquisition report published recently is the first broad industry assessment of the tactical implications for the Program Manager of SOA implementation.  It is being briefed again at the San Diego Chapter of NDIA SOA conference on October 16th. 


World's First Military Action with a Coordinated Cyber Attack?

The Internet is awash in reports that Russia may have launched cyber attacks in conjunction with its military action against Georgia.  The UK Telegraph reported on August 11 that the Georgian government said that the disruption was caused by attacks carried out by Russia as part of the ongoing conflict between the two states over the Georgian province of South Ossetia. 

This incident may be revealing a side of cyber warfare that until now was not well known - citizen hacktivism supporting military goals.

Read article

Jim Stogdill blog post here
ZDNet Zero Day blog post here
Wired Blog post here


2008 National Defense Strategy Highlights Enabling Technology - Information Sharing

The Department of Defense released the 2008 National Defense Strategy which follows on from the President’s National Security Strategy and the Quadrennial Defense Review in 2006.  Within DoD Capabilities and Means it identifies information sharing as a vital component of national security saying “Reliable information and analysis, quickly available, is an enduring challenge.” 



DoD Approves Acceptance of External PKIs

Mr. John Grimes, DoD CIO, signed a memorandum on July 22, 2008, Subject:  Approval of External Public Key Infrastructure, authorizing DoD to accept certain PKI certificates from sources other than DoD. Up until the time of this memorandum, the list of approved PKI was limited to only certificates issued by DoD or through the DoD External Certificate Authorities.

The significance of this policy is that DoD is now able to trust the public key infrastructures of non-DoD organizations.  This will greatly improve the ability of DoD to federate identity management systems.  It is one of the important steps in establishing a federation as outlined in the AFEI Information Sharing Working Group white paper "Federated Governance of Information Sharing Within the Extended Enterprise" January 15, 2008.

(See link to paper below.)

Read DoD CIO PKI Memo here

SOA Acquisition Report Released

The AFEI Executive Forum, SOA Acquisition Working Group just released a white paper Industry entitled, "Recommendations for DoD Acquisition of Information Services and SOA Systems".   The report outlines industry recommendations for developing services and services-oriented architecture (SOA) procurement strategies.  The report was prepared by industry in conjunction with the OASD (NII).

Executive Summary

Request the full text version here.






President's Corner

4th DoD Open Technologies Conference
October 29, 2008

Information Sharing Federations
December 2, 2008

Warfighter's Vision
March 5-6, 2009
AFEI is an affiliate of
the National Defense Industrial Association, America's leading Defense Industry association promoting National Security.

National Defense


NDIA publishes National Defense, the award-winning magazine focused on timely national security issues.


Read it!

Featured Story
  U.S. At Risk of Losing Global Lead in Information Technology  
Read it!


DoD CIO & AFEI Collaboration

The Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI) provides industry-wide input to government on enterprise-wide net-centric operations and transformation to assist industry in understanding and assessing the implications and impacts of these changes, and to provide a conduit between government and industry. This collaboration is achieved under a charter jointly approved by ASD(NII)/DoD CIO and AFEI.

Read more at DoD CIO web site here

Member Opportunities

Penn State Offers AFEI Members Discount on Executive Education
This November course is designed to provide information technology executives and senior managers strategies that optimize IT investments for enterprise-wide business needs. The Enterprise Technology Strategist provides best practices and collaborative models that enable information professionals to better align their IT strategy and infrastructure with their organization’s objectives.





Association For Enterprise Integration
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 • Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703-247-9474 • Fax: 703-522-3192
For more information, e-mail
Directions to AFEI
AFEI is an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association.