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eFinance Solutions

Customized Market Data Solutions

The Interactive Data Managed Solutions group is dedicated to providing a range of global market data solutions, from individual tools and components to complete client-integrated workflow solutions. These solutions are custom designed to meet the unique
needs of a wide range of financial service providers from consumer portals to institutional front-office and back-office operations.
The range of offerings include:

  • White Label Solutions allow clients to implement complete pre-defined market data solutions
  • Custom Solutions allows clients to define their solutions, including custom workflows and terminals, while Managed Solutions handle all consulting, project management, development and implementation.
  • Developer Solutions, including advanced APIs and developer toolkits which allow clients to handle development internally.

Key Features

  • Custom financial market information securely and reliably integrated into your Internet, Intranet, or Extranet solutions
  • Fully customizable solutions to meet the needs of all users, from the retail user to the front and back office professionals
  • Third-party and proprietary data aggregation for best-of-breed solutions
  • Improved Workflow and Productivity
  • Developer Solutions, with APIs and developer toolkits for internal client development
  • Quick time to market
  • Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)


  • Managed Solutions is built on a proprietary platform specifically engineered for high-end critical market data applications with redundant infrastructure.
  • The modular nature of the Managed Solutions platform facilitates the rapid development of customized components utilizing the underlying content management system along with web services technology.
  • Managed Solutions delivers exceptional performance, including delivering up to 500 million page requests per month.
  • Sophisticated monitoring tools enable real-time tracking
    of the complete Managed Solutions infrastructure including all back-end parsers, web servers, client requests, streaming data, etc.

Integration Options

  • Page Hosting - Interactive Data Real-Time Services hosts the entire page, which may include proprietary content and branding provided by the customer.
  • Pagelets - Interactive Data Real-Time Services hosts a portion of the page and the remainder of the page is hosted by the customer.
  • Frames - Customer hosts the navigation page and links to Interactive Data Real-Time Services’ Managed Solutions platform for specific content or data components, which is served within the framed
  • Applets - Java based applets, can be integrated into an application, a website, or used as stand alone web components.
  • XML - Customers can access specific data components using a standard XML request/result format, which can then be easily integrated and displayed on their page(s).


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