Preoarations of K 12 Antisera 0 Antisera Preparation* An overnight slope culture Hartley's Digest Agar was washed into 5 ml. of saline filtered through cotton wool, washed, and resuspended in saline. This suspension was then aupclawd at 10 lbs for 20 minutes. It contained about 54.00 x 10 organisms /ml. K Antiserum -- Pre aration -%T-- lope culture grown and washed of a8 before and resuspended in 5 co saline. It wa8 then treated with 25 cc methyl aloohol and shaken vigorously at intervals for 2 hours. The alcohol was then centrifuged off and the deposit washed twice in saline. of 3700 x lo6 organisms /ml. The final suspension had a strenghh H Antiserum Preparation -. A wellgrown, owrnight broth culture was treated with formalin to make a 0.2$ solution of this substance. It is important to use only highly motile strains for this work. Strength 4000 x lo6 organi8ms /ml. Injection Routine The same routine was followed with all the above suspensions. CLt two day interval8 the following doses were given: 0,25 ml. 0.5 ml. 0.5 ml* 1.0 ml. i 1.5 ml. The rabbits were then bleed f'iw day8 after the last injeotion.