Before the need for e-discovery arises, you should advise your clients to implement a records management policy. It will help immensely with any necessary e-discovery, and could even help avoid sanctions down the line.; Edd; Electronic Discovery; Law Technology; Legal Technology; Record; Records; client data; data; document management; e-discovery; electronically stored information; esi; findlaw; records management; Identifying content that might be relevant to a litigation or investigation involves learning about your client's IT structure, organization and culture. This video introduces you to issues you should consider.; Edd; Electronic Discovery; Law Technology; Legal Technology; client data; collection; data collection; e-discovery; electronically stored information; esi; findlaw; When does the duty to preserve data arise? How much data do you have to preserve. This video addresses these questions and more.; Edd; Electronic Discovery; Law Technology; Legal Technology; client data; collection; data; data collection; data preservation; e-discovery; electronically stored information; esi; findlaw; preservation; How do you collect potentially relevant data, efficiently¿and ethically¿during the discovery process? This video explores the issues.; Edd; Legal Technology; data collection; e-discovery; Electronic Discovery; electronically stored information; findlaw; Once you have your e-discovery data, what do you do with it? This segment introduces concepts relevant to the processing of that raw data.; Edd; Electronic Discovery; Law Technology; Legal Technology; client data; data; data processing; e-discovery; electronically stored information; esi; findlaw; It's time to begin reviewing all the electronically stored information that you have collected. This video will familiarize you with some of the issues related to document review.; Edd; Electronic Discovery; Law Technology; Legal Technology; analysis; client data; content review; data; document review; e-discovery; electronically stored information; esi; findlaw; Analysis is the process by which raw data becomes actionable insight. Watch this video for tips on how to analyze your data effectively.; Edd; Electronic Discovery; analysis; e-discovery; electronically stored information; esi; findlaw; Our expert lists some things you should think about before producing, or requesting the production of, electronically stored information.; Edd; Electronic Discovery; Law Technology; Legal Technology; client data; data; data production; e-discovery; electronically stored information; esi; findlaw; production; This video explores some of the legal pitfalls - and protections - that apply to social networks and the people who use them.; Legal Technology; communications decency act; copyright; copyright infringement; Defamation; digital millenium copyright act; Facebook; findlaw; infringement; libel; myspace; social networking; social networks; user generated content; Web 2.0; youtube; E-Discovery is hard. E-Discovery across borders even more so. This video explores European data privacy regulations that every litigator should know.; Data Privacy; Electronic Discovery; european union; findlaw; Law Technology; Legal Technology;