
News from TheScientificWorldJOURNAL
Nephrotoxicity from Melamine in Milk
There is outrage and great sympathy for the families and victims of those who have ingested milk products seemingly intentionally adulterated with melamine. The nephrotoxic effects are discussed in an expert commentary Nephrotoxicity of Mala Fide Melamine: Modern Era Milk Scandal and compelling editorial Acute Renal Failure from Adulteration of Milk with Melamine published in TheScientificWorldJournal. Readers may join the debate by posting comments on each of these insightful observations.
2009 Subscriptions
Just a reminder to renew your subscription before December 15th to take advantage of the current prices.
TSW Development & Embryology
The Special Issue on Cardiac Development is completed with an insightful editorial and introduction by Robert E. Poelmann and Adriana C. Gittenberger-de Groot of the Department of Anatomy and Embryology at Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands.

The outstanding reviews examine development of the cardiovascular system in depth and are freely available on Open Access. For the full table of contents please click here

Links are embedded in the PDF of ‘Cardiac Development’.

Analytical & Environmental Chemistry: Richard J C Brown
We are delighted that Dr. Richard J.C. Brown of the UK’s National Physical Laboratory has been appointed as Principal Editor for both the Analytical Chemistry and the Environmental Chemistry domains. Dr. Brown has just authored an article on The use and abuse of limits of detection in environmental analytical chemistry which is available on Open Access together with an earlier germane article on Double Anonymity and the Peer Review Process. He is also the author with Dr. Dan J.L. Brett of a research article Electrochemical Study of Biotin-Modified Self-Assembled Monolayers: Recommendations for Robust Preparation. TSWJ and Dr. Brown would welcome new submissions in this area.

TheScientificWorldJOURNAL has an Impact
We have just received from Thomson Scientific the raw data of citations to articles published in TSWJ. As recent editorials and papers have argued, the data are often seriously flawed but initial analysis shows that the average number of times cited articles were cited in the next 2 calendar years are:

2006: 2.59 (range 1-12)
2007: 2.52 (range 1-15)

Frontiers in Addiction Research-Open Access
Papers now published from Frontiers in Addiction Research

Aging Domain: Rudolph E Tanzi
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D. as Principal Editor for TheScientificWorldJOURNAL’s
domain. Dr. Tanzi has been investigating the molecular genetics of human neurodegenerative disease since 1980 when he participated in the pioneering study at Massachusetts General Hospital that led to location of the Huntington's disease gene, the first disease gene to be localized solely by genetic linkage analysis. Since 1982, Dr. Tanzi has focused his studies on Alzheimer's disease (AD), working on the isolation of several genes that play a key role.
Freshwater Systems: Micheal S Allen
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Micheal S. Allen Ph.D. as Principal Editor for TheScientificWorldJOURNAL’s . Dr. Allen has worked on a variety of fish/fisheries issues in lake, reservoir, river, and marine environments. His approach utilizes a combination of field collections and population modeling to predict how fish populations respond to fishing regulations and variation in habitat quantity and quality. He is also a great mentor to many students entering the field and we are sure his editorial abilities are enhanced by his recognizing the need for authors to present their findings in a edifying way. An overview of his ongoing research and teaching can be found at:

Dr. Allen fills some pretty big waders vacated by the domain’s founding editor Dr. Karl Havens, who remains as one of TheScientificWorldJOURNAL’s pioneering editors and authors. His belief in TSWJ and its mission gave us the opportunity to publish many of his articles including one of the first Hurricane Effects on a Shallow Lake Ecosystem and Its Response to a Controlled Manipulation of Water Level which is now Open Access. We thank Karl for all his hard work and for helping TSWJ find a worthy successor.
If you missed it, visit now the ECSP website to see what you missed
ECSP2: Oslo, Norway, 4-6 September, 2008
The Open Access movement in the age of the Internet has generated major interest in Scientific, Technical & Medical (STM) Publishing worldwide. There are many more choices for authors to make about how, where and what they should publish, and what rights they should retain. What is the best way to communicate your results?

The 2nd European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine & Medicine (ECSP2 ) addresses the major issues for a research audience. Its principal aim is to broaden researchers’ understanding and knowledge of the rapid changes in the scientific communication and publishing environment and its direct impact on the research community.

TheScientificWorldJOURNAL is an Open Access compliant publisher and offers authors Open Access at extremely competitive rates. Authors retain copyright.

Keystone Symposia


Special Issues from TSWJ

Click here for a list of published Special Issues from TSWJ

Clinical Images

TSW Clinical Images edited by Daniel Batlle and submissions of original images or sets of images of medical importance are welcomed.


Development of Hematopoietic and Endothelial Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Lessons from the Studies using Mouse as a Model, by Jezierski et al

Transition to Adulthood in Spina Bifida: Changing Roles and Expectations by Mukerjee, S.

The Role of the Nurse Coordinator in Spina Bifida Clinics by Dunleavy, M.

Reproductive Health Care for Women with Spina Bifida by Jackson et al

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TSW Article Blogs (revised 11 June 2007)

The internet is increasingly becoming about the people who use it and how they share information - instantly. TSW's article blogs is intended to help this informal exchange. You can add or edit your comment to any published article - immediately, without the need to register. I do, however, request that every ‘blogger’ reveal his or her true identity including profession and professional qualifications.

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