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Gegenschein Photography

NSSDC ID: 1972-031A-13
Mission Name: Apollo 16 Command and Service Module (CSM)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Lawrence Dunkelman


This experiment, carried on the Apollo 16A mission, was designed to photograph the reflection from dust particles at the Moulton point to determine the contribution of such reflections to the gegenschien. A 35-mm Nikon camera with a 55-mm lens was used. Photographs were taken in the direction of the Moulton point and the antisolar direction, and midway between the Moulton point and the antisolar direction, when the spacecraft was in total darkness in lunar orbit.


  • Astronomy: Visible
  • Planetary Science: Small Bodies

Additional Information

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Selected References

Dunkelman, L., et al., Gegenschein-Moulton region photography from lunar orbit, In -- Apollo 16, Prelim. Sci. Rept., NASA SP-315, 16-1, Wash., DC, 1972.

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