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Go on a Mars Adventure Kids! Go on a Mars Adventure!
There's a new game on NASA's Space Place website. Create your own mission to Mars. Load your rocket ship with all your favorite supplies. But be careful! You're only allowed to take 10 items. Choose well, and you'll score high. Play it once, and play it again. It's different every time.

    Because Mars is less dense than Earth, it has much less gravity. In fact, Mars has about 1/3 the gravity of Earth. This means that things weigh less on Mars. Use our planetary scale to weigh yourself on Mars and other planets in the solar system.
Gravity on Mars
Young Engineer     If you want to be a real engineer, set your hands to work on paper models of: Pathfinder, Mars Global Surveyor (pdf), and 2001 Mars Odyssey Color or Black-and-White (pdfs) spacecraft.
Young Planetary Mapmaker     Be a planetary mapmaker by creating a topography, or topo, map of the Martian surface.
Young Engineer designing a Spacecraft by connecting the dots     Help engineers design a spacecraft by connecting the dots or earn your pilot wings by navigating through the maze of outerspace.
Exploring the solar system     Peer through our solar telescope to get a view of any planet in the solar system.
Robots help Scientists explore the Universe     Learn how robots help scientists explore the universe or read the story of a Little Rock on Mars.
Visit NASA Kids at the Marshall Space Flight Center!     Visit NASA Kids at the Marshall Space Flight Center!
Visit the Mission to Mars Kids Page at Cornell University     Visit the Mission to Mars Kids Page at Cornell University.

JUST FOR KIDS: Activities | Young Artists | Young Writers

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