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News Release

For Release:  January 14, 2009
Contact: Joanna Wilson (208) 524-7550

First Round of Public Comment Period Ends on
BLM Salmon Travel Management Planning Process

SALMON, ID — The first round of public comment for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Salmon Field Office’s ongoing travel management plan ends January 31, 2009. 

The primary goal in preparing the travel management plan is to formally designate a network of roads and trails across approximately 160,000 acres of public land as either open, limited or closed to public use.  Public outreach began in early December with open-house meetings in both Salmon and Tendoy, Idaho.

Travel planning maps and information are available for review at the Public Lands Center, 1206 South Challis Street, Salmon, Idaho or on the Internet at http://www.blm.gov/id/st/en/fo/salmon/travel_management.html

You may submit written comments by email to id_tmp_north_half@blm.gov or by postal mail to Public Lands Center, Attn: Rob Jaggers, 1206 South Challis Street, Salmon, Idaho 83467.
For further information or questions regarding the Salmon travel planning, please contact Rob Jaggers at 208-756-5466.


Last updated: 01-15-2009