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Jobs and Collaborative Opportunities at the NCNR

The NCNR has a number of opportunities for working on site. The NRC fellowships is a two year appointment with the freedom to pursue innovative research. these positions are available through a call twice a year. Other postdoctoral positions related to specific projects are from time to time also available. The instrument scientist positions can be up to four years, also allow a lot of freedom to pursue projects of interest, but include instrument support duties which provide the opportunity to work on innovative instrumentations ideas as well as the opportunity to interact with a broad spectrum of researchers from around the world. For undergraduates, the NSF sponsored summer undergraduate research fellowhip program (SURF) is a great way for undergraduates to get experience working in a research environment. For more information click on the links below

Other possibilities include stationing a graduate student for a period of time at the NCNR and a summer or sabbatical stays for faculty to work on projects of mutual interest and benefit. These are not formal programs at this time and should be discussed first with the person or persons at the NCNR with whom work would be done.

Last modified 05-August-2008