U.S. Department of the Interior / Bureau of Land Management / Idaho

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This search engine finds the NEPA documents currently under preparation by Idaho BLM. There are four search options.

Search by All ProjectsClick the Show All Idaho Projects button
Search by Project NameFill in the name of the project in the Project Name field and click the Search button. The up/down arrow next to Project Name indicates ascending or descending list order
Search by OfficeClick the District:Field Office dropdown, choose the location and click Search
Search by Document TypeClick the District:Field Office dropdown, choose the location, click the NEPA dropdown and choose the document type, click Search

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Each year the BLM prepares or documents environmental analysis for a wide variety of proposed management activities in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). BLM prepares four types of environmental documents to comply with NEPA. The type of environmental document prepared is determined generally by the scope, complexity and anticipated effects of the proposed action.

  • Environmental Assessments (EA) are prepared when a project is not expected to have significant environmental effects. EAs identify any potential negative effects of the proposal and determine if they can be mitigated effectively.
  • Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) are prepared for projects that are expected to result in significant impacts to the human environment. An EIS is also prepared when an EA determines that a proposed project may have significant impacts that cannot be mitigated effectively.
  • Categorical Exclusions (CE) are prepared when a proposed action falls within one of the DOI or BLM lists of categorical exclusions and none of the exceptions apply.
  • Determination of NEPA Adequacy (DNA) is applied when a proposed action was fully analyzed in a previous EA.

(208) 373-4000
Idaho Federal Relay: (800) 877-8339

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