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EOS & Terra
MISR Instrument
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MISR Science Data System

MISR Science Data System

The Earth Observing System (EOS) Data and Information System (EOSDIS) is an extensive ground data system used for NASA's current Earth science missions. This diagram depicts elements of the EOSDIS used for support of the MISR instrument.

The primary ground station for the Terra spacecraft, on which MISR flies, is at White Sands in New Mexico, to which Terra relays its data via the TDRSS communications satellite system. The TDRSS "geostationary" satellite is always directly overhead at the New Mexico ground site. There are also ground stations on the island of Svalbard, Norway, and in Alaska, that are used as a backup for the White Sands station.

The Terra spacecraft is controlled through the EOS Operations Center (EOC), located at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. All of the instruments on board Terra, including MISR, are also controlled from the EOC. However, the MISR Project staff at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California, where MISR was built, have an engineering and operations responsibility for MISR. That is, MISR staff must plan the operational activities for MISR, and must transmit plans and schedules to the EOC, from where MISR and the spacecraft are directly commanded. The MISR staff must also monitor the on-going status of the instrument, and investigate any instrument anomalies.

Data from MISR and from other Terra instruments is sent to the EOS Data and Operations System (EDOS), located at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. Data arrives here in the form of spacecraft telemetry, and must be decoded into its component parts, checked, and then despatched to the various data processing locations, known as Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs).

The DAAC where MISR data is handled is within the Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (ASDC) at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) in Virginia. Here the data are processed into data products of use to the scientific community, and distributed the to the end users. The data are also archived. Users who need MISR data.should contact the ASDC web site, where they will find more detailed information about MISR products. From here, they contact the EOS Data Gateway (EDG), located at Goddard Space Flight Center, to place orders for products. Products are normally delivered directly over the internet or on physical media such as magnetic tape.

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