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Card Game

Can your computer read your mind? Let's see. Mentally select one of the following cards. Remember the card and say the name to yourself, but DO NOT say it out loud or draw attention to it. Just keep it in your mind.

Now our computer will mix up the cards and remove yours -- is it listed below:

Your card is missing, but how did the computer know which card you picked? Was that just luck? Try again to find out! Remember a card from the second group below.

Now our computer will mix up the cards and remove the one you selected from the second group below:

The one you picked is missing again. Did this computer read your mind? Can you figure this mystery out for yourself? Think about it for awhile before peeking at the explanation below.


None of the cards in the second picture are the same as the cards you were initially given. The suits (diamonds, spades, clubs, or hearts) have all been changed, so no matter which card you picked, it would be missing.

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Is your card missing?

Go back to continue.

Is your card missing again?

Go back and continue to see the solution.