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Long-Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and Technology - The Concrete Pavement Road Map: Volume II, Tracks

Track 9. Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection (DC)


ALFs provide valuable performance data that allow engineers to improve current procedures and advance the state of the art. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, many new accelerated testing programs with ALFs were installed. ALFs encourage innovation by eliminating the fear of failure associated with full-scale road testing, since ALFs can test innovations without the possibility of disastrous consequences that might occur on a real highway. ALFs also provide small-scale evaluation of full-scale designs to identify limitations and speed up the implementation of design improvements. At least 24 ALFs currently operate in the United States.

Test roads and data collection methods can be developed and expanded further. Additional data is needed for new materials, new test sections, model validation and calibration, innovative joint designs, and surface characteristics advancements. This data can contribute to many of the research tracks in the CP Road Map, which depend on quality data for validation or calibration and require experimental installations or access to long-term data.

This track provides the infrastructure for a future national program that will plan accelerated loading and long-term data needs, construct test sections, and collect and share data. The problem statements in this track will explore areas that will yield useful data and determine the amount of time needed to get it. This track also will research accelerated durability testing for concrete pavement materials and design.

The problem statements in this track will address the following areas:

  • Identification of accelerated and long-term data needs.
  • Planning and design of accelerated loading and long-term data collection.
  • Accelerated and long-term data management and distribution.
  • Development of a master plan for conducting accelerated product testing and full-scale road experiments.
  • Development of experimental designs and a data collection and performance monitoring plan for accelerated loading and durability testing facilities and full-scale products testing.
  • Preparation of data collection and testing procedures.
  • Construction of accelerated loading sections and test road sections.

The following introductory material summarizes the goal and objectives for this track and the gaps and challenges for its research program. A phasing chart is included to show the approximate sequencing of the problem statements in the track. A table of estimated costs provides the projected cost range for each problem statement, depending on the research priorities and scope determined in implementation. The problem statements, grouped into subtracks, follow.

Track Goal

The research in this track will collect, manage, and analyze concrete pavement performance data that will support the CP Road Map.

Track Objectives
  1. Identify performance data needs for calibrating and validating performance models for jointed plain concrete, CRCPs, and other types of concrete pavements.
  2. Develop an ALF and full-scale test road program for collecting materials, design, traffic, climate, and performance data from existing and future experimental pavements.
  3. Establish reliable experimental testing programs along with testing protocols for ALFs and test road programs that include durability testing for materials and design.
  4. Collect and analyze relevant test database programs that support the CP Road Map.
Research Gaps
  • Insufficient databases to store and distribute long-term data.
  • Inaccurate and inadequate LTPP Program and other research databases of concrete pavement performance.
  • Lack of performance data for modern concrete pavements under both very heavy and very light traffic.
  • Lack of performance data for concrete pavements more than 40 years old.
  • Unstructured approach to testing new and innovative ideas.
  • Insufficient use of the Nation's ALFs for testing concrete pavements.
  • Insufficient understanding of the methods for conducting meaningful accelerated durability testing for concrete paving materials and design.
Research Challenges
  • Convince FHWA, State highway agencies, and industry to expand the capabilities of existing databases or build new Web-based databases for storing and disbursing large amounts of performance and other data.
  • Obtain new data that the LTPP Program and other sources do not collect to develop, validate, and calibrate the next generation of concrete pavement distress and smoothness models.
  • Identify the proper pavement sections, populate the new databases with sufficient data, and convince FHWA, State highway agencies, and industry of the need for a long-term data collection program.
  • Obtain data from older pavement sections (e.g., more than 40 years old) for evaluation and analysis and use an ALF to simulate realistically (accounting for traffic cycles, temperature cycles, moisture cycles, and so on) 40 or more years of traffic and climatic damage imposed on a test pavement.
  • Apply the appropriate testing methodology (e.g., ALFs, road tests, or other) to obtain the required performance data for validating and improving new and innovative ideas.
  • Identify the proper methodologies for concrete pavement testing using ALFs and convince owners of the benefits and necessity of conducting specific experiments.
Research Track 9 (DC) Phasing

The horizontal bar chart in figure 9 shows the approximate time phasing of the problem statements in this track grouped by subtrack across 10 years. The phasing information here is a summary of the approximate phasing included with the full written description of each problem statement in this track.

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Figure 9. Bar Chart. Track 9 (DC) subtrack and problem statement phasing chart.

Research Track 9 (DC) Estimated Costs

Table 45 shows the estimated costs for this research track.

Table 45. Research track 9 (DC) estimated costs.
Problem Statement Estimated Cost
Subtrack DC 1. Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection
DC 1.0. Framework for Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection (Subtrack DC 1) $200 k
DC 1.1. Identification of Accelerated and Long-Term Data Needs $750 k-$1.5 M
DC 1.2. Concrete Pavement Data Management and Distribution $800 k-$1.2 M
DC 1.3. Master Plan for Conducting Accelerated Testing of Products and Full-Scale Road Experiments $900 k-$1.5 M
DC 1.4. Develop Experimental Designs and a Data Collection and Performance Monitoring Plan for Accelerated Loading Facilities and Full-Scale Products Testing $800 k-$1.5 M
Subtrack DC 2. Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road
DC 2.0. Framework for Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road (Subtrack DC 2) $200 k
DC 2.1. Preparation of Concrete Pavement Data Collection and Testing Procedures $500 k-$1 M
DC 2.2. Construction of Accelerated Loading Sections and Test Road Sections $4.8 M-$7.2 M
Subtrack DC 3. Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection Implementation
DC 3.1. Implementation of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection $800 k-$1.2 M
Track 9 (DC)
Total $9.75 M-$15.5 M
Track Organization: Subtracks and Problem Statements

Track 9 (DC) problem statements are grouped into three subtracks:

  • Subtrack DC 1. Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection.
  • Subtrack DC 2. Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road.
  • Subtrack DC 3. Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection Implementation.

Each subtrack is introduced by a brief summary of the subtrack's focus and a table listing the titles, estimated costs, products, and benefits of each problem statement in the subtrack. The problem statements follow.


This subtrack addresses the full design of a new long-term data collection program for concrete pavements. This subtrack will provide the information necessary to support the modeling work identified in other tracks and the analysis of new experimental sections. Table 46 provides an overview of this subtrack.

Table 46. Subtrack DC 1 overview.
Problem Statement Estimated Cost Products Benefits
DC 1.0. Framework for Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection (Subtrack DC 1) $200 k A validated, sequenced, and detailed research framework for this subtrack. An effective, coordinated, and productive research program.
DC 1.1. Identification of Accelerated and Long-Term Data Needs $750 k-$1.5 M A detailed plan outlining data needs to support research planned under the CP Road Map, consisting of both accelerated loading sections and longterm road tests. An effective and productive research program for collecting data through ALFs and full-scale road tests in support of the CP Road Map.
DC 1.2. Concrete Pavement Data Management and Distribution $800 k-$1.2 M A comprehensive plan for a Webbased, easy-to-access, and easy-to-use system for collecting, evaluating, and distributing data that incorporates a mechanism for importing data from other databases; reliable and accurate data for developing, calibrating, and validating tools required for pavement design, evaluation, rehabilitation, construction, and so on; a flexible system that allows data structure to be modified easily at any point. Reliable and accurate data that pavement engineers can use to develop new tools or calibrate and validate existing tools or technology for pavement design, evaluation, rehabilitation, and so on.
DC 1.3. Master Plan for Conducting Accelerated Testing of Products and Full-Scale Road Experiments $900 k-$1.5 M An overall master plan for conducting accelerated testing of products developed under the CP Road Map, detailing the effectiveness of using ALFs in fast-track pavement testing, identifying appropriate testing needs for ALFs and new approaches that might improve the ALF testing process, and determining ways in which ALFs might accomplish research needs; a master plan for conducting full-scale, long-term road tests of products developed under the CP Road Map. A program to test, verify, and validate products developed under the CP Road Map, giving credibility and validity to many of the individual research efforts.
DC 1.4. Develop Experimental Designs and a Data Collection and Performance Monitoring Plan for Accelerated Loading Facilities and Full- Scale Products Testing $800 k-$1.5 M Experimental designs and a data collection and performance monitoring plan for ALF and fullscale road testing of products developed under this track; four ALFs and four test roads. Experimental design for testing products developed under this track using ALF or full-scale, inservice pavements; materials, construction, design, traffic, and materials data collected from both ALF and full-scale testing that will provide many years of reliable pavement analysis data.
Problem Statement DC 1.0. Framework for Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection (Subtrack DC 1)
Track: 9. Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection (DC)
Subtrack: DC 1. Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection
Approximate Phasing: Years 1-3
Estimated Cost: $200 k
Subtrack DC 1 (Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection) provides a set of research problem statements that will culminate in a significantly improved state of the art and practice. As the funding becomes available, an initial effort will be necessary to develop a framework for the research to be accomplished within this subtrack.
  1. Examine the problem statements in subtrack DC 1 (Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection), modify as appropriate, and divide them into specific, manageable contracts.
  2. Arrange the contracts in a carefully sequenced plan that reflects a logical progress of research and available funding.
  3. Expand each of the broad research problem statements included in the subtrack into a detailed research plan with specific objectives, tasks, and funding recommendations.
  4. Review and provide direction for the various research contracts underway to ensure that they fulfill their objectives and allow future contracts to use their results. Guide the additional work required if a contract fails to achieve its objectives and additional work is necessary.
Benefits: An effective, coordinated, and productive research program.
Products: A validated, sequenced, and detailed research framework for this subtrack.
Implementation: This research will provide the organization and validation essential for the success of this subtrack. Implementation of this problem statement will set the stage for the rest of the problem statements in subtrack DC 1 (Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection).
Problem Statement DC 1.1. Identification of Accelerated and Long-Term Data Needs
Track: 9. Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection (DC)
Subtrack: DC 1. Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection
Approximate Phasing: Years 2-5
Estimated Cost: $750 k-$1.5 M
This research will identify data needs and existing data sources to support other research planned under the CP Road Map.
  1. Examine each research track to identify data needs. This task will require extensive interaction with expert task groups and others involved in the research tracks to identify the data needed to complete the individual projects successfully.
  2. Examine databases from LTPP, MnROAD, FHWA's concrete pavement performance study,(4) and other sources to determine the amount of information available.
  3. Determine the amount of additional data needed for specific new and innovative designs, materials, and construction techniques. For example, data should be needed for further calibrating distress and IRI models for JPCP and CRCP, as well as new pavement types, such as precast JCPs and thin concrete overlays. This analysis should consider accelerated durability testing for materials and designs.
Benefits: A detailed plan that provides an effective and productive research program for collecting data through ALFs and full-scale road tests in support of the CP Road Map.
Products: A detailed plan outlining data needs to support research planned under the CP Road Map, consisting of both ALFs and long-term road tests.
Implementation: This research will be coordinated closely with work in track 2 (Performance-Based Design Guide for New and Rehabilitated Concrete Pavements), track 6 (Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction), and track 8 (Long Life Concrete Pavements). The data needs identified in this research will be planned for and obtained throughout the CP Road Map.
Problem Statement DC 1.2. Concrete Pavement Data Management and Distribution
Track: 9. Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection (DC)
Subtrack: DC 1. Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection
Approximate Phasing: Years 2-4
Estimated Cost: $800 k-$1.2 M
This research will develop an initial comprehensive framework and then a computerized database for collecting, evaluating, and distributing data. The system will be Web-based and user-friendly and should incorporate a mechanism that easily imports data from existing databases. The database will be organized by specific objectives (e.g., modeling of slab cracking, faulting, smoothness, noise, productivity) to streamline the data elements for any given objective. The system must also allow the data structure to be modified easily and flexibly at any point, letting users add or delete data elements and reorganize the data tables as needed. The system will provide raw data as well as processed results. The type and format of the processed results offered should be established in light of various user needs (e.g., FHWA, State highway agencies, contractors, researchers, material suppliers, equipment manufacturers, trade organizations). The database initially will be populated by existing data from previous concrete pavement ALFs and road tests, but will include input for data identified under problem statement DC 1.1 (Identification of Accelerated and Long-Term Data Needs). The database will expand as new testing data is obtained.
  1. Identify and document available Web-based systems for database assembly and management.
  2. Determine whether the identified systems are suitable for this research.
  3. Select the appropriate system and customize it in light of the data identified in problem statement DC 1.1.
  4. Develop a framework for collecting, evaluating, and distributing data using data gathered under this track and the selected data management system.
  5. Develop the data management system for this database.
  6. Populate the database using data from previous or ongoing concrete pavement ALFs and road tests.
Benefits: Reliable and accurate data that pavement engineers can use to develop new tools or calibrate and validate existing tools or technology for pavement design, evaluation, rehabilitation, and so on.
Products: A comprehensive plan for a Web-based, easy-to-access, and easy-to-use system for collecting, evaluating, and distributing data that incorporates a mechanism for importing data from other databases; reliable and accurate data for developing, calibrating, and validating tools required for pavement design, evaluation, rehabilitation, construction, etc.; a flexible system that allows data structure to be modified easily at any point.
Implementation: The results of this research will be used in many research activities throughout the design track.
Problem Statement DC 1.3. Master Plan for Conducting Accelerated Testing of Products and Full-Scale Road Experiments
Track: 9. Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection (DC)
Subtrack: DC 1. Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection
Approximate Phasing: Years 3-7
Estimated Cost: $900 k-$1.5 M

Several time-consuming factors (such as field trials and testing) are required to develop and launch an innovative idea or product successfully for concrete pavement design or construction. This is because the idea or product must be shown to improve current procedures genuinely in the short, intermediate, and long term and must be cost effective. For a concrete pavement structure, full-scale testing may include constructing inservice pavements that are subjected to both climate and traffic loads for more than 10 years. However, specific design aspects, such as transverse joints, could be tested more rapidly under an ALF.

Accelerated testing can reduce significantly the time needed to prove that an idea or a product is effective. This recently has been made possible by the development of several ALFs throughout the United States. ALFs can fast-track field testing and thus reduce the time between the development of an idea or concept and its implementation in the form of design guidelines or catalogues. However, ALFs do not always simulate field conditions entirely, and this shortcoming must be considered to determine whether ALFs effectively can obtain field performance data that assesses the usefulness of an innovative design. The following tasks will determine the effectiveness of using ALFs to fast-track pavement testing.

  1. Identify specific testing needs appropriate for accelerated testing and long-term road testing. This will offer a global perspective of the various experiments and technical objectives, such as design guide calibration, joint program, and surface texture. The cost of these potential experiments must be estimated.
  2. Document MnROAD ALFs, FHWA ALFs, and other ALFs in the United States and internationally to determine how PCC pavement tests are conducted, lessons learned, how to accomplish the needs identified in task one using this knowledge, and how new approaches might improve the process.
  3. Develop an improved approach to accelerated concrete pavement testing. Include accelerated durability testing for materials and design, as well as accelerated repeated loading testing.
  4. Develop an overall master plan for conducting accelerated testing of products developed under the CP Road Map.
  5. Develop an overall master plan for conducting long-term road tests for products developed under the CP Road Map.
Benefits: A program to test, verify, and validate products developed under the CP Road Map, giving credibility and validity to many of the individual research efforts.
Products: A master plan for conducting accelerated testing of products developed under the CP Road Map, detailing the effectiveness of using ALFs in fast-track pavement testing, identifying appropriate testing needs for ALFs and new approaches that might improve the ALF testing process, and determining ways in which ALFs might accomplish research needs; a master plan for conducting full-scale, longterm road tests of products developed under the CP Road Map.
Implementation: This research will be coordinated closely with work in track 2 (Performance-Based Design Guide for New and Rehabilitated Concrete Pavements), track 6 (Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction), and track 8 (Long Life Concrete Pavements). The data needs identified in this research will be planned for and obtained throughout the CP Road Map.
Problem Statement DC 1.4. Develop Experimental Designs and a Data Collection and Performance Monitoring Plan for Accelerated Loading Facilities and Full-Scale Products Testing
Track: 9. Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection (DC)
Subtrack: DC 1. Planning and Design of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection
Approximate Phasing: Years 3-7
Estimated Cost: $800 k-$1.5 M
Each ALF and full-scale road testing experiment conducted under this track will require experimental designs. Well-designed experiments will maximize information while minimizing costs and offer the greatest chance for achieving reliable results. Each ALF and full-scale road testing experiment will require a data collection and performance monitoring plan to test products developed under this research. The research in this problem statement should account for experiments studying a range of traffic loadings, from low- to high-traffic volume roadways, as well as experiments that address accelerated durability testing for concrete paving materials and design.
Tasks: For each experiment conducted, the following must be done as a minimum:
  1. Establish clear experiment scope and goals.
  2. Identify factors involved and their experimental levels.
  3. Design experiments and replicate test sections.
  4. Analyze the data obtained.
  5. Identify major uncertainties involved.
  6. Review simulated experimental results to ensure design completeness (use existing data from ALFs and road tests).
Benefits: Experimental design for testing products developed under this track using ALF or full-scale, inservice pavements; materials, construction, design, traffic, and materials data collected from both ALF and full-scale testing that will provide many years of reliable pavement analysis data.
Products: Experimental designs and a data collection and performance monitoring plan for ALF and full-scale road testing of products developed under this track; four ALFs and four test roads.
Implementation: This research will be coordinated closely with work in track 2 (Performance-Based Design Guide for New and Rehabilitated Concrete Pavements), track 6 (Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction), and track 8 (Long Life Concrete Pavements). The data needs identified in this research will be planned for and obtained throughout the CP Road Map.


This subtrack implements the specific aspects of the database system designed under problem statement DC 1.2 (Concrete Pavement Data Management and Distribution). The problem statements in this subtrack address the preparation of concrete pavement data collection and testing procedures and the construction of accelerated loading sections and test road sections. Table 47 provides an overview of this subtrack.

Table 47. Subtrack DC 2 overview.
Problem Statement Estimated Cost Products Benefits
DC 2.0. Framework for Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road (Subtrack DC 2) $200 k A validated, sequenced, and detailed research framework for this subtrack. An effective, coordinated, and productive research program.
DC 2.1. Preparation of Concrete Pavement Data Collection and Testing Procedures $500 k-$1 M Development of data collection, testing procedures, protocols, and laboratory, ALF, and full-scale testing specifications for projects developed under problem statement DC 2.2. Adoption of existing or development of new and more reliable test protocols for use in the pavement performance experiments.
DC 2.2. Construction of Accelerated Loading Sections and Test Road Sections $4.8 M-$7.2 M Execution of experimental plans developed under previous tasks, including the establishment of experimental test sections, a materials testing program, and performance monitoring to obtain data for developing pavement analysis and tools; data stored in the database developed under problem statement DC 1.4 that will be used for calibration, validation, and other activities for the pavement performance models used in the CP Road Map. Available construction, design, traffic, and materials data collected from both ALFs and full-scale testing for pavement analysis.
Problem Statement DC 2.0. Framework for Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road (Subtrack DC 2)
Track: 9. Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection (DC)
Subtrack: DC 2. Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road
Approximate Phasing: Years 1-3
Estimated Cost: $200 k
Subtrack DC 2 (Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road) provides a set of research problem statements that will culminate in a significantly improved state of the art and practice. As the funding becomes available, an initial effort will be necessary to develop a framework for the research to be accomplished within this subtrack. The framework developed in this problem statement should include accelerated durability testing for concrete pavement materials and designs.
  1. Examine the problem statements in subtrack DC 2 (Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road), modify as appropriate, and divide them into specific, manageable contracts.
  2. Arrange the contracts in a carefully sequenced plan that reflects a logical progress of research and available funding.
  3. Expand each of the broad research problem statements included in the subtrack into a detailed research plan with specific objectives, tasks, and funding recommendations.
  4. Review and provide direction for the various research contracts underway to ensure that they fulfill their objectives and allow future contracts to use their results. Guide the additional work required if a contract fails to achieve its objectives and additional work is necessary.
Benefits: An effective, coordinated, and productive research program.
Products: A validated, sequenced, and detailed research framework for this subtrack.
Implementation: This research will provide the organization and validation essential for the success of this subtrack. Implementation of this problem statement will set the stage for the rest of the problem statements in subtrack DC 2 (Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road).
Problem Statement DC 2.1. Preparation of Concrete Pavement Data Collection and Testing Procedures
Track: 9. Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection (DC)
Subtrack: DC 2. Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road
Approximate Phasing: Years 2-7
Estimated Cost: $500 k-$1 M
Because consistent and calibrated testing is critical to the success of all research in this track, substantial efforts must be mobilized to achieve this goal. The research in this problem statement will adopt existing or develop new standard data collection and testing procedures and specifications for laboratory, ALFs, and test road experimental sections. The plan will specify the testing to be conducted for each data element identified in previous problem statements.
  1. Because consistent and calibrated testing is critical to the success of all research in this track, substantial efforts must be mobilized to achieve this goal. The research in this problem statement will adopt existing or develop new standard data collection and testing procedures and specifications for laboratory, ALFs, and test road experimental sections. The plan will specify the testing to be conducted for each data element identified in previous problem statements.
  2. Develop data collection and testing plans, protocols for all data, and ALF and full-scale construction and testing specifications for experimental projects developed under problem statement DC 2.2 (Construction of Accelerated Loading Sections and Test Road Sections). Extensive use will be made of AASHTO, ASTM, LTPP, and State highway agency protocols and tests.
Benefits: Adoption of existing or development of new and more reliable test protocols for use in the pavement performance experiments.
Products: Development of data collection, testing procedures, protocols, and laboratory, ALF, and full-scale testing specifications for projects developed under problem statement DC 2.2.
Implementation: The results of this research will be used in many research activities throughout the design track.
Problem Statement DC 2.2. Construction of Accelerated Loading Sections and Test Road Sections
Track: 9. Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection (DC)
Subtrack: DC 2. Preparation of Data Collection/Testing Procedures and Construction of Test Road
Approximate Phasing: Years 2-10
Estimated Cost: $4.8 M-$7.2 M (see note below)
This task will execute the experimental plans developed under problem statements DC 1.4 (Develop Experimental Designs and a Data Collection and Performance Monitoring Plan for Accelerated Loading Facilities and Full-Scale Products Testing) and DC 2.1 (Preparation of Concrete Pavement Data Collection and Testing Procedures). An expert panel consisting of State highway agencies, FHWA, academia, industry representatives, and consultants will prioritize different experiments and set schedules. To the extent practical, standard procedure will be established and followed in documenting the attributes of the as-built experimental section, and standard protocol will be followed in monitoring and reporting performance.
  1. Construct the ALF sections. These sections likely will be constructed early so that the remaining studies can obtain and use the results.
  2. Construct the test road sections. Designing and planning these major experiments will require time, and many years of monitoring will be needed to obtain results.
  3. Conduct monitoring and data collection at all sites and feed the results directly to the projects that sponsor the experiments.
Benefits: Available construction, design, traffic, and materials data collected from both ALFs and full-scale testing for pavement analysis.
Products: Execution of experimental plans developed under previous tasks, including the establishment of experimental test sections, a materials testing program, and performance monitoring to obtain data for developing pavement analysis and tools; data stored in the database developed under problem statement DC 1.4 that will be used for calibration, validation, and other activities for the pavement performance models used in the CP Road Map.
Implementation: This research will be coordinated closely with work in track 2 (Performance-Based Design Guide for New and Rehabilitated Concrete Pavements), track 6 (Innovative Concrete Pavement Joint Design, Materials, and Construction), and track 8 (Long Life Concrete Pavements). The data needs identified in this research will be planned for and obtained throughout the CP Road Map. These results also will be used immediately in calibration, validation, and other activities for models and engineering procedures developed in various research projects conducted under the CP Road Map.

Note: Assume 4-6 ALFs and 4-6 test roads will be constructed and tested each at approximately $600,000. Some funds from the private sector may be available ($1,000,000). These costs include engineering, testing, instrumentation, weather stations, construction, QC/QA, and monitoring, but not actual construction costs, except for ALFs. For economy or expediency, any of these experimental test sites could be adjacent to asphalt test roads.


This subtrack provides the funding necessary for training and educating State highway agencies to use the database and sharing the results from the various testing facilities. Table 48 provides an overview of this subtrack.

Table 48. Subtrack DC 3 overview.
Problem Statement Estimated Cost Products Benefits
DC 3.1. Implementation of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection $800 k-$1.2 M Immediate transfer of results from the accelerated or long-term test facilities to researchers working on the overall concrete pavement research plan, using various research contracts conducting the work, the Internet, and summary reports presented at onsite workshops and conferences; construction, testing, and monitoring of the several experimental ALFs and full-scale road test sections, producing unbiased results that are useful for calibrating, validating, and developing various key prediction models in the CP Road Map. Field-proven performance data that theory has predicted, important for calibrating and validating studies for the various models and predictions developed under the CP Road Map.
Problem Statement DC 3.1. Implementation of Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection
Track: 9. Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection (DC)
Subtrack: DC 3. Accelerated Loading and Long-Term Data Collection Implementation
Approximate Phasing: Years 1-10
Estimated Cost: $800 k-$1.2 M
Implementing the accelerated loading and long-term data collection advancements developed in this track will support many projects in the CP Road Map. The project research team will work extensively with contractors from other projects that need either accelerated or long-term performance data to ensure that the data needed is obtained properly.
  1. Conduct accelerated loading and long-term data collection implementation on an experiment-byexperiment basis.
  2. Document the results and field data as needed.
Benefits: Field-proven performance data that theory has predicted, important for calibrating and validating studies for the various models and predictions developed under the CP Road Map.
Products: Immediate transfer of results from the accelerated or long-term test facilities to researchers working on the overall concrete pavement research plan, using various research contracts conducting the work, the Internet, and summary reports presented at onsite workshops and conferences; construction, testing, and monitoring of the several experimental ALFs and full-scale road test sections, producing unbiased results that are useful for calibrating, validating, and developing various key prediction models in the CP Road Map.
Implementation: This work will provide the technology transfer critical to the success of track 9 (Concrete Pavement Accelerated and Long-Term Data Collection).


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Peter Kopac
Turner Fairbank
E-mail Peter

This page last modified on 06/09/06

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration