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Welcome Letter from the Branch Chief




Dear Data User:

We are pleased to present you with information about Superfund's Analytical Services. The Analytical Services Branch (ASB), formerly the Analytical Operations/Data Quality Center, has broadened its mission and is responsible for managing the Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) for routine analytical services; developing new analytical services for other analyses such as dioxin and asbestos; providing quality assurance services for CLP and non-CLP data; developing and maintaining information technology (IT) tools for CLP and non-CLP data; and promoting field analytics and direct push technologies for sampling.

The CLP continues to provide data of known and documented quality to its customers. As we work on each of our new Statements of Work for the CLP, we are employing greater flexibility, providing quicker turnaround times, and lowering quantitation limits. This Web site is continuously updated to reflect our latest Statements of Work for organic and inorganic analyses.

CLP analytical data is used to demonstrate the nature and extent of contamination at hazardous waste and Brownfields sites, assess priorities for response based on risks to human health and the environment, establish appropriate cleanup actions, and determine when remedial actions are complete. Each CLP sample is properly documented to ensure timely, accurate, and complete analysis for all parameters requested, and to support the use of sample data in potential enforcement actions.

We are also streamlining and improving all of our software products. For example, our Data Assessment Tool (DAT) provides data spreadsheets that have been assessed for quality control requirements within 24 to 48 hours after receiving the laboratory data, directly to all of our CLP customers for data validation. Please review this Web site for more information on DAT, our quality assurance services, and other upcoming IT products for CLP and non-CLP data such as our "Staged Electronic Data Deliverable" and "FORMS II Lite" software programs, which greatly facilitate analytical data management and storage.

Thank you for your interest in Superfund Analytical Services. We hope this Web site is useful to you. If you have any suggestions for improvements to Superfund's Analytical Services, please call Lucinda Taylor at (703) 603-8818 or myself at (703) 603-8815.

Bruce K. Means, Chief
Analytical Services Branch
Technology Innovation and Field Services Division
Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation

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