State and Regional Encyclopedia Workshop

I write to announce that on Friday, June 9, 2000 I will be hosting a workshop here at the Endowment on the subject of state and regional encyclopedias. During a day of presentations and discussions, the Endowment will bring individuals and project teams currently working on an encyclopedia together with people who wish to explore the possibility of undertaking such a project in their state or region. I expect the occasion to be an opportunity for both participants and Endowment staff members to learn more about state and regional encyclopedia projects, their differences and similarities, successes and challenges, and the lessons that have been learned by projects already begun or nearing completion. The workshop is open to anyone actively conducting, or contemplating, a state or regional encyclopedia project.

The presentations will begin with case studies of two encyclopedia projects: the New Georgia Encyclopedia, an effort that is being led by the Georgia Humanities Council; and The New Handbook of Texas, a joint project of The General Libraries at the University of Texas at Austin and the Texas State Historical Association. Questions and comments about the case studies will be addressed by a panel of people who are working on encyclopedias. Panel members may be expected to provide remarks on their own projects as well. Technology will be a particular emphasis of the workshop, especially the use of electronic technologies for developing encyclopedias and the movement of print editions to electronic formats. Discussion will be encouraged among all participants. As we each learn from the experience of current and previous projects, I hope we will also generate ideas and enthusiasm about new ones.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please call Frank Shaw at 202.606.8428. He may also be reached by email at Please contact us by May 20th if you are interested in attending the workshop.

William R. Ferris

Summary Information

Date and location: June 9, 2000 at the National Endowment for the Humanities (M07 or M09).

Purpose: To bring individuals and project teams currently working on a state or regional encyclopedia together with people who wish to explore the possibility of undertaking such a project in their state. Technology will be a particular emphasis, especially the use of electronic technologies for developing encyclopedias and the movement of print editions to electronic formats.


Chairman's Introduction.

Case Study I: New Georgia Encyclopedia. Jamil Zainaldin, et. al.

Case Study II: The New Handbook of Texas. Ron Tyler, Editor.

Respondents Panel: Jim Grossman of the Chicago Encyclopedia, Rima Schultz of the Chicago Encyclopedia of Women, David Wishart of the Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, and David Watters of the Encyclopedia of New England Culture.


"Creating a Dynamic Encyclopedia." Presentation by Edward Zalta of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

"Turning Print Encyclopedias into Electronic Reference Projects." Presentation by Sylvia Miller, Editor at Routledge and Garland.

Roundtable discussion.
