National Endowment for the Humanities

Division of Research Programs

Announced: November 2002

Leslie A. Adelson
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
German Literature
Touching Tales: Turkish Lines of Thought in Contemporary German Literature

Maureen Ahern
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Latin American Literature
Transformative Frontiers: Martyr Narratives and Ritual Performance, New Spain, 1530-1645

Barbara Allen
Carleton College
Northfield, Minnesota
Political Science
The Political Thought of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Civil Rights, Covenant Theology, and Constitutional Development

Thomas T. Allsen
The College of New Jersey
Ewing, New Jersey
Asian Studies
The Royal Hunt in Eurasian History

Eric C. Ames
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
German Literature
Hagenbeck, Kafka, and Early German Cinema

Emilie Amt
Hood College
Frederick, Maryland
British History
Women of Godstow: Life, Religion, and Society in a Medieval Abbey

Julian Arribas
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, Ohio
Spanish Literature
A Critical Edition of Luis Galvez Montalvo's El pastor de Filida

Charles M. Atkinson
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Music History and Criticism
Melodies for the Sanctus and Agnus Dei of the Roman Mass with their Tropes and Prosulas

David S. Bachrach
Independent Scholar
St. Paul, Minnesota
Medieval Studies
The Struggle for Power in the Cities of the Middle Rhineland, c. 1000 - c. 1300

Mark A. Balaguer
California State University
Los Angeles, California
The Problem of Free Will and the Problem with Metaphysics

Ryan K. Balot
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
Courage in the Democratic Polis: Civic and Military Self-Definition in Classical Athens

Constance Berman
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
European History
Women's Work and European Economic Expansion, 1050-1250

Timothy J. Billings
Middlebury College
Middlebury, Vermont
Comparative Languages
Bilingual Critical Edition of Victor Segalen's French/Chinese Poetry: Stèles, 1914

Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Medieval Studies
Imagining the Great Schism

Nancy K. Bristow
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, Washington
American History
"It Is an Awful Thing": A Social History of the Influenza Epidemic in the United States, 1918-1919

Bella Brodzki
Sarah Lawrence College
Bronxville, New York
Comparative Literature
"Can These Bones Live?": Translation, Survival, and Cultural Memory

Douglas S. Brookes
Independent Scholar
Oakland, California
Near Eastern History
Women's Voices from the Ottoman Palace: Three Memoirs, 1876-1918

John Bryant
Hofstra University
Hempstead, New York
American Literature
Seeking Change: Fluid Texts and the Revision of Culture

Thomas M. Buoye
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Far Eastern History
Capital Punishment and Confucian Justice: Limits of Leniency Under Traditional Chinese Law

D. Graham Burnett
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey
History of Science and Technology
Knowledge of Leviathan: History, Nature, and the Meanings of Whales, 1787-1982

Judith A. Byfield
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire
African History
"The Great Upheaval," The Egba Women's Tax Revolt: Gender and Nationalist Politics in Nigeria

Elisheva Carlebach
Queens College
Flushing, New York
Jewish Studies
Strategies of Religious Resistance in Early-Modern Yiddish Culture

Nancy Carnevale
Independent Scholar
Hoboken, New Jersey
American History
Living in Translation: Language and Italian Immigrants in the U.S., 1890-1945

Janet G. Casey
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, New York
American Literature
Fertile Ground: Women, Modernism, Rural America

Saul A. Cornell
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
American History
"Armed in the Holy Cause of Liberty": The Second Amendment in American History

Donald Crafton
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana
Film History and Criticism
The Struggle for Hollywood: The Film Career of Joseph P. Kennedy, 1917-1936

Clifton C. Crais
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio
African History
Insecurity and the Politics of Poverty in South Africa, 1850-2000

David A. Cressy
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
British History
Revolutionary Origins of the English Civil War

Timothy D. Curp
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio
European History
The Politics of Ethnic Cleansing in Western Poland, 1948-1960

Eve D'Ambra
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, New York
Art History and Criticism
Beauty and the Roman Portrait

Ahmad S. Dallal
Stanford University
Stanford, California
Near Eastern History
Traditions of Reform in Eighteenth-Century Islamic Thought

Paul S. Davies
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, Virginia
Naturalism and the Methods of Inquiry

Frederick A. de Armas
University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Spanish Literature
Quixotic Frescoes: Cervantes and the Italian Renaissance

Bradley P. Dean
Independent Scholar
West Peterborough, New Hampshire
American Studies
The Notebooks of Henry D. Thoreau, 1849-1862

Heather Dubrow
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
British Literature
The Challenges of Orpheus: Rhetorics of Lyric in Early Modern England

John M. Duffy
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana
Composition and Rhetoric
Writing from These Roots: The Development of Literacy in an American Immigrant Community

Jordana Dym
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, New York
History of Technology
The Cartography of Western Travel Writers, 1750-1950

Ricardo J. Elia
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
Apulian Pottery and the Looting of Archaeological Sites

Barbara A. Engel
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
Russian History
Marriage and its Discontents in Late Imperial Russia

Walter T. Everett
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Music History and Criticism
The Classical Repertoire and Rock Music

John C. Farrell
Claremont McKenna College
Claremont, California
Comparative Literature
Transformations of Agency from Cervantes to Stendhal

Carter V. Findley
Ohio State University, Main Campus
Columbus, Ohio
Near Eastern History
Nationalism and Modernity in Turkey

Nancy K. Florida
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Asian Literature
Mapping the Cultural Imaginary in Colonial Java

Murray W. Forman
Northeastern University
Boston, Massachusetts
The Influence of Early Television Production on Musical Performance, 1948-1955

Carlos A. Forment
Independent Scholar
Princeton, New Jersey
Latin American Studies
Civic Selfhood, Public Life, and the Creation of Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Argentina

Cynthia Freeland
University of Houston
Houston, Texas
Fakes and Forgeries: Value in the Arts

David H. Friedman
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Urban Design and Topographic Survey

Mia Fuller
University of California
Berkeley, California
Life in Italy's Fascist-Era "New Towns" from 1928 to the Present

John F. Garcia
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
Song and Rite in Early Greece: Mnemosyne and Divine Presence in Homer and the Hymns

C. Pat Giersch
Wellesley College
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Far Eastern History
Social and Political Change on Southwest China's Yunnan Frontier, 1723-1855

Mark Gifford
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia
History of Philosophy
The Introduction to Aristotle's Posterior Analytics

Margaret P. Gilbert
University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
Rights Reconsidered

Meredith J. Gill
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana
Medieval Studies
Augustine and the Arts

Eileen Gillooly
Columbia University
New York, New York
British Literature
Parental Feeling in Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture

Kurt G. Goblirsch
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
German Language
Consonant Shifts in the Germanic Languages

Eric J. Goldberg
Williams College
Williamstown, Massachusetts
European History
Louis the German and the Politics of Carolingian Central Europe

Sander M. Goldberg
University of California
Los Angeles, California
Becoming Literature: Poetry in the Roman Republic

Patricia J. Graham
Independent Scholar
Lawrence, Kansas
Art History and Criticism
Japanese Buddhist Devotional Imagery and Sacred Sites, 1600 to the Present

Molly Greene
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey
Near Eastern History
Markets in History: The Case of the Mediterranean

Anil K. Gupta
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Contribution of Experience to Knowledge

Marta R. Gutman
Independent Scholar
Albany, California
Urban Studies
What Kind of City: Women, Charitable Landscapes, and Urban Building in California

Sabine Hake
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
German Literature
Topographies of Class: Modern Architecture and Urban Culture in Weimar Berlin

Martha T. Hanna
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
European History
The Intimate War: A Peasant Marriage in World War I France

Julie Hardwick
University of Texas
Austin, Texas
European History
Litigation and the Political Economies of Daily Life in Early Modern France

Sidney L. Harring
City University of New York Law School
Flushing, New York
Law and Jurisprudence
The United States Supreme Court, American Legal Culture, and the Death Penalty, 1875-1900

Gabrielle Hecht
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
History of Science and Technology
Technology and Empire in the Nuclear Age: A Global and Local History of Uranium Mining

Adam L. Herring
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, Texas
Art History and Criticism
Poetics of Line: Art and Writing in the Maya Cities, AD 500-800

Carma Hinton
Independent Scholar
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Far Eastern History
Cultural Revolution Project

Barbara A. Hochman
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
American Studies
Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Reading Revolution

Beth L. Holman
Bard College-Graduate Center
New York, New York
Art History and Criticism
Italian Renaissance Design and Material Culture

Michael K. Honey
University of Washington
Tacoma, Washington
American History
Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Memphis Sanitation Strike

Joseph I. Horowitz
Independent Scholar
New York, New York
Music History and Criticism
Classical Music in the United States: A History

Noah Isenberg
Wesleyan University
Middletown, Connecticut
Film History and Criticism
Perennial Detour: The Cinema of Edgar G. Ulmer

Steven L. Isoardi
Oakwood School
North Hollywood, California
Afro-American Studies
The Community Arts Movement of African-American Los Angeles,1950-2000

Barbara C. Johnson
Ithaca College
Ithaca, New York
Cochin Jewish Women's Culture in India and Israel, through the Analytic Frame Of Their Folksongs

Paul C. Johnson
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri
Religious Studies
Homeland and Diaspora Constructions of Religion and the Meaning of "Return"

William A. Johnson
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
Readers and Reading Culture: The Sociology of Reading in the Early Roman Empire

Robert A. Kaster
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey
Self-Restraint and the Emotional Economy of the Roman Elite

Noel J. Kinnamon
Mars Hill College
Mars Hill, North Carolina
British Literature
The Letters of Sir Robert Sidney to Barbara Gamage Sidney

Lisa A. Kirschenbaum
West Chester University
West Chester, Pennsylvania
Russian History
Hero City: The Siege of Leningrad in Memory and the Urban Landscape,1941-1995

Thomas A. Klingler
Tulane University
New Orleans, Louisiana
Language Variety Among African Americans and Creoles of Color in Louisiana

Nancy S. Kollmann
Stanford University
Stanford, California
Russian History
Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Russia

Richard Koszarski
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Film History and Criticism
History of the New York Motion Picture Industry

Barbara Krauthamer
New York University
New York, New York
African American Studies
Slavery, Emancipation, Race, and Citizenship in the Indian Territory, 1865-1907

Mark Kroll
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
Music History and Criticism
The Transformation of Style: Johann Nepomuk Hummel

Thomas J. Kuehn
Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina
European History
Repudiation of Inheritance in Renaissance Florence

Pier M. Larson
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
African History
The Relationship Between the London Missionary Society and Highland Malagasy, 1820-1836

Theresa A. Leininger-Miller
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
Art History and Criticism
Sculpting the New Negro: The Life and Work of Augusta Savage, 1892-1962

Jill M. Lepore
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
American History
An Investigation of the 1741 New York Slave Conspiracy

Paula Loscocco
Barnard College
New York, New York
British Literature
Milton and Royalist Poetics

Timothy Lubin
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia
Non-Western Religion
Ritual Functions and Authority of Brahmins in Early Historic India: The Creation of a Trans-Regional Cultural Elite

Scott C. MacDonald
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
History of Philosophy
A Philosophical Guide to Augustine's Confessions

Mark W. MacWilliams
St. Lawrence University
Canton, New York
History of Religion
Imagining the Sacred in Popular Culture--Visual Representations of Japanese Religions

Frances S. Malino
Wellesley College
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Near Eastern History
Teaching Freedom: Jewish Sisters in Muslim Lands

Janet T. Marquardt
Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, Illinois
French National Heritage and Medieval Art History: Visualizing Cluny

Nancy M. Martin
Chapman College
Orange, California
Nonwestern Religion
Singing of Devotion, Dignity and Resistance: Low-caste Reflections on Life and Liberation in India

Thomas A. McCarthy
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois
Difference and Development: Philosophical Reflections on Race and Empire

Andrew King McCord
Independent Scholar
New York, New York
Asian Literature
Reticence and Rebellion: The Life and Work of Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Ellen M. McCracken
University of California
Santa Barbara, California
Hispanic American Studies
Identity, Word, and Image: The Cultural Production of Fray Angelico Chavez

Joseph R. McElrath
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida
American Literature
A Biography of Frank Norris

Fiona McLaughlin
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas
African Literature
A Translation of Boubacar Boris Diop's Murambi, le livre des ossements

Sanjot Mehendale
University of California
Berkeley, California
Near Eastern Studies
Preserving Afghanistan's Silk Road Art

Christopher L. Miller
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut
French Literature
The French Atlantic Triangle: Literatures and Cultures of the Slave Trade

Thomas P. Miller
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
Composition and Rhetoric
Formation of College English: From the Republic of Letters to the Information Economy

Gayle L. Morrison
Independent Scholar
Santa Ana, California
Asian Studies
"Deep Tears": Hmong Oral History, 1975-90

Anita F. Moskowitz
SUNY Res. Fdn./Stony Brook
Stony Brook, New York
History and Criticism of Art
The Sculpture of Giovanni Bastianini

Brenda Murphy
University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
American Literature
The Provincetown Movement and American Modernism

Jan Nattier
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana
Non-Western Religion
A Lexicon of the Buddhist Translations of Zhi Qian

Thomas Newlin
Oberlin College
Oberlin, Ohio
Russian History
The Roots of Modern Environmentalism in Nineteenth-Century Russia

Bonnie Jeanne Noble
University of North Carolina
Charlotte, North Carolina
Art History and Criticism
The Religious Paintings of Cranach the Elder: Art and Devotion of the German Reformation

James D. Oles
Wellesley College
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Art History and Criticism
The Role of U.S. Artists in Mexico's Mural Movement, 1933-1945

Stuart D. Olson
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
A New Text and Commentary on Aristophanes' Thesmophorazusae

Irina Paperno
University of California
Berkeley, California
Slavic Literature
The Soviet Experience in Personal Accounts from Recent Years

Linda S. Peavy
Independent Scholar
Middletown Spring, Vermont
American Studies
The 1904 World's Champion Girls "Basket Ball" Team from Fort Shaw (Montana) Indian School

H. Glenn Penny
University of Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
European History
The German Love Affair with the American Indian

Louis A. Perez
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Latin American History
To Die for the Patria: Suicide and Exemplary Death in Cuba

Sandra H. Petrulionis
Pennsylvania State University, Altoona Campus
Altoona, Pennsylvania
American Literature
The Abolitionist Movement in Henry D. Thoreau's Concord

Christine G. Poggi
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Art History and Criticism
Modernity as Trauma: The Cultural Politics of Italian Futurism

Susan Porter Benson
University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
American History
Work Ethics: Women's Constructions of Life on the Job, 1925-1935

Jennifer J. Price
Independent Scholar
Venice, California
American History
Los Angeles as a City of Nature: A Field Guide to an American City

Richard Priebe
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia
African Literature
Representations of the Child in African Literature

Rose A. Pruiksma
Bates College
Lewiston, Maine
Music History and Criticism
Narrating Alternative Histories Through Song in Parisian Chansonniers, 1643-1715

Elissa J. Rashkin
Independent Scholar
Salem, Oregon
Latin American Studies
The Stridentist Movement and Mexican Modern Art, 1921-1927

Peter W. Redfield
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Technics, Ethics and Global Crisis: An Ethnographic Study of Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Jonathan M. Reynolds
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Art History and Criticism
Constructing Tradition: Modern Japanese Architecture and the Formation of a Viable Past

Marilynn J. Richtarik
Georgia State University
Atlanta, Georgia
British Literature
Stewart Parker: Belfast Playwright

Susan J. Ridyard
University of the South
Sewanee, Tennessee
British History
The Making of a Saint: The Canonization of Thomas Cantilupe

David M. Robinson
Colgate University
Hamilton, New York
Far Eastern History
Empires, History, and Contested Borders in Eurasia

Jeffrey C. Robinson
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
British Literature
Fancy; or, The Counter-Poetics of Romanticism

Catherine M. Robson
University of California
Davis, California
British Literature
The Unfinished Obsequies of Victorian Britain

Jeffrey L. Rubenstein
New York University
New York, New York
History of Religion
The Culture of the Babylonian Talmud

Richard A. Ryerson
Independent Scholar
Lexington, Massachusetts
American History
John Adams's Republic: Monarchy, Aristocracy, and the People in Revolutionary America

Michael C. Scardaville
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
Latin American History
The Politics of Law: Criminal Justice, State, and Society in Mexico City, 1770-1835

Nancy L. Schultz
Salem State College
Salem, Massachusetts
American Studies
A Social History of Religious Miracles in the Early American Republic

Clovis E. Semmes
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Theater History and Criticism
A Social History of the Regal Theater

Anthony Shay
Independent Scholar
Los Angeles, California
Dance History and Criticism
Choreographic Identities: The Formation of Immigrant Dance in America

W. Anthony Sheppard
Williams College
Williamstown, Massachusetts
Music History and Criticism
Japan in the American Musical Imagination

Jan B. Shetler
Goshen College
Goshen, Indiana
African History
Humanizing the Serengeti Landscape: Environmental History in the Oral Traditions of Western Serengeti Peoples

Lauren Shohet
Villanova University
Villanova, Pennsylvania
British Literature
Reading Masque: The Emergence of Public Culture and Seventeenth-Century English Masque

Maeera Y. Shreiber
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
American Literature
Dwelling and Displacement: Towards a Jewish American Poetics

Mary Ann Smart
University of California
Berkeley, California
Music History and Criticism
Risorgimento Fantasies: Italian Opera as Romantic Discourse

Andrea L. Smith
Lafayette College
Easton, Pennsylvania
Memory and Colonial Liminality: Maltese Settler Narratives of French Algeria

Ursula A. Smith
Independent Scholar
Middletown Spring, Vermont
American Studies
The 1904 World's Champion Girls "Basket Ball" Team from the Fort Shaw (Montana) Indian School

Janet L. Sorensen
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana
British Literature
Revaluing the Language of the Particular in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Lynn Staley
Colgate University
Hamilton, New York
British Literature
Chaucer, Richard II, and the Search for a Symbolics of Power

Andrew M. Stauffer
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
British Literature
Anger, Revolution, and Romanticism in England, 1789-1824

Roberta Stewart
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire
The Roman Slave Experience in Comparative Perspective

Barry Stroud
University of California
Berkeley, California
The Metaphysics of Modality and Value

Matthew Stuart
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, Maine
History of Philosophy
Locke's Metaphysics

Balazs A. Szelenyi
Independent Scholar
Pacific Palisades, California
European History
The Social Roots of Ethnic Conflict in East Central Europe

Amie L. Thomasson
University of Miami
Coral Gables, Florida
Ordinary Objects and Philosophical Theory

Terrence W. Tilley
University of Dayton
Dayton, Ohio
Philosophy of Religion
Practicing History, Practicing Theology

Mark T. Trowbridge
Portland State University
Portland, Oregon
Art History and Criticism
Interplay Between Art and Theater in Fifteenth-Century Netherlands

Cyrus R. Veeser
Bentley College
Waltham, Massachusetts
Latin American History
Economic Concessions and U.S.-Latin American Relations, 1880-1910

William G. Wagner
Williams College
Williamstown, Massachusetts
Russian History
Faith, Community, Resiliency: The Nizhegorod Convent of the Exaltation of the Cross, 1807-1935

Cynthia S. Wall
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
British Literature
Poetics of Space, Prose of Things

John R. Wallach
City University of New York
New York, New York
Political Science
Democratic Virtue: Critical Essays for an Ethics of Equality and Power

Mark Wasserman
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Latin American History
Pesos and Politics: Business, Elite, Foreigners, and Government in Mexico, 1854-1940

Pamela A. Webb
Independent Scholar
Rosemont, Pennsylvania
Hellenistic Architectural Sculpture II

Andrea Weiss
Independent Scholar
New York, New York
Escape to Life: The Erika and Klaus Mann Story

Chava Weissler
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
"Jewish Renewal" and the American Spiritual Marketplace

Barbara E. Will
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire
American Literature
Gertrude Stein, Bernard Fay, and the Vichy Dilemma

Mary Beth Winn
State University of New York
Albany, New York
Renaissance Studies
Patronage and Printing in Early Renaissance France

David J. Wishart
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
The Drought of the 1890s on the High Plains of Kansas, Nebraska and, Colorado

Stephen Yablo
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
The Role of Simulation in Ontology

Deborah A. Yaffe
Independent Scholar
Princeton Junction, New Jersey
School Funding in New Jersey

Susan L. Zeiger
Regis College
Weston, Massachusetts
American History
Intercultural Marriage and U.S. International Relations in the Twentieth-Century

Michael H. Zell
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
Art History and Criticism
For the Love of Art: "Liefhebbers," Amateurs, and Gift Exchange in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art

Henri Zerner
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Art History and Criticism
Early Painting in France, 1380-1600

Rachel E. Zuckert
Rice University
Houston, Texas
History of Philosophy
Purposiveness, Time, and Unity: A Reading of Kant's Critique of Judgment