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News Release

For Release:  August 27, 2008
Contact: Joanna Wilson (208) 524-7550

Labor Day Weekend Information

IDAHO FALLS, ID – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is gearing up for the last big visitor use weekend, Labor Day Weekend.  BLM officials want people to enjoy our public lands, but please be advised of the following information:

Fire Prevention: This year Eastern Idaho Interagency Fire Center has taken action on 62 wildfires, burning over 15,000 acres.  Of that total, 51were started by human carelessness. That’s 82 percent.  Fire officials advise the public to be aware, informed and vigilant this weekend while recreating on public lands.  Keep in mind dry vegetation – both living and dead – is easily ignitable.  All too often people do not intend to start wildfires, yet campfires are left unattended and not completely extinguished; vehicles are parked and/or driven on tall, dry grass and debris/agricultural burns are carelessly lit.  Many people do not realize a vehicle's exhaust system can heat up to 1,000 degrees and ignite grasses and shrubs.

OHV Use: Many areas are now on a designated route system, so please abide by all signs and maps. Check with your local office to obtain a map or more information.  All OHVs must have approved US Forest Service spark arrestors, and before heading outdoors, clean your ATV spark arrestor.  This will reduce the chance of a spark starting a wildfire.  You can also be prepared by carrying a shovel and a fire extinguisher in your vehicle and ATV.

Campgrounds: Starting on September 2 through the end of the season, the “B” Section at the Egin Lakes Access Recreation Site at the St. Anthony Sand Dunes will be closed due to upgrades to electrical sites.  The “A” and “C” Sections of the campground will remain open through November 1, 2008.

Reduce Impacts: Leave No Trace ethics are always encouraged on public lands.  The seven principals in the program include: 1) Plan Ahead and Prepare; 2) Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces; 3) Dispose of Waste Properly; 4) Leave What You Find; 5) Minimize Campfire Impacts; 6) Respect Wildlife; and 7) Be Considerate of Other Visitors.  For more information on the Leave No Trace program visit www.lnt.org/

For more information about BLM recreational opportunities please call the Visitor Center at 208-523-1012 in Idaho Falls or your local BLM Office.  You can also visit our website at www.blm.gov/id/st/en.html.  For current fire information, fire dangers and other fire related information in southeast Idaho, visit www.idahofireinfo.blm.gov/east/

— BLM —

Last updated: 08-27-2008