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High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center

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The High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) is the primary archive for NASA missions dealing with extremely energetic phenomena, from black holes to the Big Bang. Having recently merged with the Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis (LAMBDA), it includes data obtained by NASA's high-energy astronomy missions from the extreme ultraviolet through gamma-ray bands, along with missions that study the relic cosmic microwave background.

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  • Fermi LAT Photon Data Now Available (24 Aug 2009)
    The Fermi project announces the release of the LAT photon data and associated spacecraft files. Data can be downloaded from the LAT Data Server link from the Fermi Science Support Center home page.
  • XSPEC 12.5.1 released (21 Aug 2009)
    XSPEC 12.5.1 updated Aug 19; many improvements...
  • HEASoft 6.7 released (21 Aug 2009)
    Released August 19 2009; primarily driven by the release of the Swift software version 3.4, PCARMF version 11.7...
  • RXTE CALDB updated (19 Aug 2009)
    PCA energy to channel file has been updated (update 17 Aug 2009)...
  • Suzaku CALDB updated (19 Aug 2009)
    The CALDB for the HXD and XIS have been updated (update versions 20090813) ...
  • RXTE: Improvements to the PCA Response Matrix Now Available (19 August 2009)
    New PCA response matrix software and calibration files provide significant improvements to spectral analysis over the entire RXTE mission.
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    Last modified: Tuesday, 10-Feb-2009 12:58:36 EST