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Federal-aid Program Administration

A Guide To Federal-Aid Programs And Projects: Introduction

(Updated for SAFETEA-LU)


Federal-Aid highway funds are authorized by Congress to assist the States in providing for construction, reconstruction, and improvement of highways and bridges on eligible Federal-Aid highway routes and for other special purpose programs and projects. Through the Federal Lands Highway Program, funding is provided for improving access to and within National Forests, National Parks, Indian Lands and other public lands.

The principal statutes establishing the Federal-Aid Highway Program are found in Title 23, United States Code (23 U.S.C.). Regulatory requirements are generally found in Title 23, Highways, of the Code of Federal Regulations (23 CFR).

This guide provides basic information about the Federal-Aid programs, projects, and other program characteristics. Much of the information provided in this guide was included in the FHWA's 1999 edition of the same publication. This publication updates information from the past document and includes information resulting from the latest multi-year Federal-Aid authorizing legislative act, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU, Public Law 109-59). As new or updated information becomes available, the electronic version of this guide will be updated.

Purpose Of Guide

The guide is intended to provide basic information for FHWA and State personnel involved in the administration of the Federal-Aid Highway Program. It is not intended to be an eligibility guide, but contains basic descriptions and historical information on active and inactive programs.

This guide should be of interest to FHWA, State highway agencies, local governments, and private sector personnel interested in a basic understanding of Federal-Aid programs, projects, or other program characteristics. In addition to basic information, sources of additional information are provided.

How To Use This Guide

The guide contains information on Federal-Aid highway programs, projects, and other program characteristics. This includes fiscal information, statutory and regulatory references, general eligibility and background information, and program office contacts.

The guide contains two parts:

Part I - Active programs and projects
This part covers programs, projects, and activities authorized or continued by SAFETEA-LU, as well as those authorized in previous legislation that remain active.

Part II - Inactive programs and projects
This part covers inactive programs, projects, and activities that are no longer active, but which have historic interest, and/or were the basis for current programs and projects.

This guide is available electronically at

If any needed corrections are identified or sections need to be updated, please e-mail them to the Office of Program Administration at attention HIPA-10. General comments are also welcome and should be directed to the email address above.

More Information


David Bartz
Office of Program Administration
E-mail David

This page last modified on 05/31/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration