Faculty of Information - University of Toronto

University of Toronto
Faculty of Information

Cover Story

Two Museum Studies Students Win Exhibition Grant

ImageGinger Scott and Anne Gulloti, two students in the Museum Studies program, received a "New Works by Students" grant from U of T ArtsZone that will help fund the tri-campus exhibition, "in/exterior," by visual arts Masters students.

"Although the grant is modest, the fact that it was awarded to iSchool students is something to celebrate," says instructor Cheryl Meszaros.

The exhibition will be held during the U of T Celebration of the Arts from March 19 to April 3, 2009. It is composed of three artists and one artist collective from undergraduate studio programs at U of T Mississauga/Sheridan, Scarborough and St. George. All of their work incorporates interventionist and exploratory methods contextualized in social and shared spaces outside of the traditional gallery institution.

The events will occur on all three U of T campuses in an attempt to form communicative and social ties between the fine arts departments and between the university arts community and other departments throughout the university. The affiliation with ArtsZone and the received grant will particularly help with artists’ and photographers’ fees as well as support through advertising and promotion to make the exhibition a success.

Congratulations Anne and Ginger!

Last Updated ( Thursday, 08 January 2009 )

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