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Volume 11, Number 12, December 2005

Human Rickettsia felis Infection, Canary Islands, Spain

Jose-Luis Pérez-Arellano,*† Florence Fenollar,‡ Alfonso Angel-Moreno,*† Margarita Bolaños,*† Michele Hernández,*† Evora Santana,*† Marion Hemmersbach-Miller,*† Antonio-M Martín,*† and Didier Raoult‡
*Hospital Universitario Insular de Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain; †Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain; and ‡Université de la Mediterranée, Marseille, France

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Figure. Results of Western blot performed with serum samples from patient 5 with Rickettsia felis infection and patient 10 with R. typhi infection. Molecular masses (in kilodaltons) are given to the left of panels. A) Patient with R. felis infection; a, untreated serum analyzed by using R. conorii (lane 1), R. typhi (lane 2), and R. felis (lane 3); b, R. felis–adsorbed serum analyzed by using R. conorii (lane 1), R. typhi (lane 2), R. felis (lane 3); all antibodies were removed; c, R. typhi–adsorbed serum analyzed by using R. typhi (lane 1) and R. felis (lane 2); antibodies to R. felis remained; d, R. conorii–adsorbed serum analyzed by using R. conorii (lane 1), R. typhi (lane 2), R. felis (lane 3); antibodies to R. felis remained. B) Patient with murine typhus; e, untreated serum analyzed by using R. typhi (lane 1) and R. felis (lane 2); f, R. felis–adsorbed serum analyzed by using R. typhi (lane 1) and R. felis (lane 2); antibodies to R. typhi remained; g, R. typhi–adsorbed serum analyzed by using R. typhi (lane 1) and R. felis (lane 2); all antibodies were removed.


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This page last reviewed November 10, 2005

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention