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EFLHD quote: Much like people, every road, every highway, has it's own personality... it's own character. Understanding that character, connecting with it, respecting it, that is the work of the Federal Lands Highway.
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     Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO)

Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) works closely with county, State, and Federal Land Management Agencies to repair and restore Federally-owned roads damaged by natural disasters or catastrophic failures. The area covered includes 33 eastern states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. For the USDA Forest Service, the EFLHD service area covers the same eastern states plus Oklahoma and Texas.

The ERFO program was established in July 1977 and is authorized under Title 23, United States Code (USC) Section 125(e). The ERFO mission is to provide funding and engineering services to restore access to public lands. The categories of roads eligible for ERFO funding are as follows: Forest Highways, Forest Development Roads, Park Roads and Parkways, Indian Reservation Roads, Public Lands Highways, Refuge Roads, Military Installation Roads, Corps Recreation Roads, Bureau of Reclamation Roads, and Bureau of Land Management Roads.

2004 ERFO Disaster Assistance Manual

Introduction Introduction
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Chapter 2 The Process
Chapter 3 Funding
Chapter 4 Eligibility
Chapter 5 Roles and Responsibilities
Appendix A Definitions
Appendix B ERFO Disaster Assistance Service Area Reference Matrix
Appendix C Correspondence Samples, Instructions
Appendix D Law and Regulation
Download Entire 2004 ERFO Manual .pdf (1,243 KB)

ERFO Tables, Requests and Reports

Download All ERFO .zip files (18 KB)

Emergency Information Nationwide

Before submitting the formal Notice of Intent letter please call or email:

Mr. Sergio Mayorga, ERFO Coordinator
Tel No. (571) 434-1547
Fax No. (703) 404-6217