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One County, 646 Wind Turbines: Electricity an Exported Commodity

December 10, 2008

JEDI Wind Model Revision: Results Consistent With On-The-Ground Data

December 9, 2008

Wind Powering America Update

October 16, 2008

Annual Report on U.S. Wind Power Installation, Cost, and Performance Trends: 2007
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May 31, 2008

New DOE Report Analyzes a Path to Reaching 20% Wind Power by 2030

May 12, 2008

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Wind Energy Institute

January 21, 2009

Distributed Wind Interconnection Workshop

January 21, 2009

Harvesting Clean Energy Conference IX

January 25, 2009

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Economic Development Impacts of Colorado's First 1,000 Megawatts of Wind Energy
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January 13, 2009

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An Overview of Existing Wind Energy Ordinances
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December 31, 2008

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Idaho Wind Activities

This Web page summarizes completed/implemented Wind Powering America activities in Idaho , which include a wind working group, anemometer loan program, wind maps, a small wind consumer's guide, and state workshops. This page also highlights other wind activities for the state. Some of the following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Adobe Reader.

Wind Powering America Activities Availability
Wind Working Group YES
Anemometer Loan Program YES
Validated Wind MapYES
Small Wind Consumer's Guide YES
Events Not Currently
Past Events (4) YES

News, Publications, and Web Resources

Total of 18 records found.
Page 1 of 2, Sorted by descending date
Filtered by: State

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Date sort by ascending date sort by descending date State sort by ascending state sort by descending state Type of Information Program Area Title sort by ascending title sort by descending title More Details
10/31/2008 ID Publication
Econ. Dev.
Economic Benefits, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Reductions, and Water Conservation Benefits from 1,000 Megawatts (MW) of New Wind Power in Idaho  ...more
1/28/2007 ID Harvesting Clean Energy 7  ...more
1/17/2007 ID News
G3 LLC Recognized for Restoring Idaho's First Utility-Scale Wind Project  ...more
8/15/2006 ID News
Public Lands
Bureau of Land Management Announces Final Approval of Wind Energy Project in Idaho  ...more
6/28/2006 ID News
Valley team sees research ahead for Idaho wind farm  ...more
1/18/2006 ID Build Your Own Energy Source - Farm Bill Grants for Renewable Energy Development  ...more
8/9/2005 ID News
Public Power
Exergy Development Group LLC Recognized for Role in Idaho's First Utility-Scale Wind Project  ...more
1/13/2005 ID News
Wind hinders windmill construction...When finished, Fossil Gulch will be largest operational windfarm in Idaho  ...more
12/22/2004 ID News
Power County board clears wind farm plans  ...more
8/1/2004 ID Publication
Small Wind
Small Wind Electric Systems: An Idaho Consumer's Guide  ...more



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