FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Protecting the Food Supply

January 2003

See also Current Information on Protecting the Food Supply

FDA Actions on New Bioterrorism Legislation

Overview of Registration and
Prior Notice Proposed Regulations
Implementing the Bioterrorism Act

(This document also available in Spanish)

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Index of Presentation Slides

  1. Overview of Registration and Prior Notice Proposed Regulations Implementing the Bioterrorism Act
  2. Purpose of Briefing
  3. FDA Regulatory Development: Lead Personnel
  4. Background: FDA's Regulatory Development Timeline
  5. Background: FDA's Regulatory Development Timeline
  6. Regulatory Development Timeline (cont.)
  7. Proposed Registration Requirements 68 FR 5378 (Feb. 3, 2003)
  8. Who Must Register?
  9. Who Must Register? (cont.)
  10. What Food is Subject to FDA's Jurisdiction?
  11. Examples of FDA-Regulated Food (cont.)
  12. Proposed Definitions
  13. Proposed Definitions (cont.)
  14. Proposed Definitions (cont.)
  15. What Facilities Does The Proposed Rule Exempt?
  16. What Facilities Does FDA Not Regulate?
  17. Proposed Definitions (cont.)
  18. Proposed Definitions (cont.)
  19. Proposed Definitions (cont.)
  20. Proposed Definitions (cont.)
  21. Proposed Farm Definition (cont.)
  22. Additional Exemption for Some Foreign Facilities
  23. Foreign Facilities-Register or Exempt?
  24. "Mixed-Type" Facilities
  25. "Mixed-Type" Facilities (cont.)
  26. "Mixed-Type" Farm (cont.)
  27. Proposal: What Information Is Required?
  28. What Information Is Required? (cont.)
  29. What Information Is Required? (cont.)
  30. Optional Information* (* Mandatory registration fields still required)
  31. Proposed Rule: How to Register
  1. Proposed Rule: How to Register (cont.)
  2. What if Changes Occur?
  3. What If A Facility Is Not Registered?
  4. Next Steps
  5. Proposed Requirements for Prior Notice Regulation 68 FR 5428 (Feb. 3, 2003)
  6. Sec. 307: Prior Notice of Imported Food Shipments
  7. Prior Notice Implementation
  8. FDA'S Prior Notice: Proposed Definitions
  9. Port of Entry and Crossing Location
  10. FDA'S Prior Notice: Proposed Definitions (cont.)
  11. Originating Country vs. Country of Origin
  12. "Article of Food" vs. Shipment of Food*
  13. Proposal - Who is Authorized to Provide Prior Notice?
  14. What Food is Subject to the Proposed Requirements?
  15. What Food is Not Subject to Proposed Prior Notice Requirements?
  16. Proposal: When Is My Prior Notice Due?
  17. How do I Submit Prior Notice, Amendments & Updates?
  18. Submitting Prior Notice, Amendments & Updates (cont.)
  19. Proposal: What Information is Required in a Prior Notice?
  20. What Information is Required in a Prior Notice? (cont.)
  21. What Information is Required in a Prior Notice? (cont.)
  22. What Information is Required in a Prior Notice? (cont.)
  23. What Information is Required in a Prior Notice? (cont.)
  24. What if the Information Changes After I Submit a Prior Notice?
  25. What if the Information Changes After I Submit a Prior Notice (cont.)?
  26. Sec. 307: Prior Notice of Imported Food Shipments
  27. Next Steps
  28. How Do I Get a Copy of the Proposed Rule(s)?
  29. How To Comment (Deadline April 4, 2003)
  30. For Further Information . . .

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horizontal rule