Los Alamos National Laboratory

Open house is Saturday for retiree McCoy

April 5, 2006

An open house is scheduled Saturday (April 8) for Laboratory retiree Donald McCoy, who died March 30. McCoy was 52.

The open house is from 1 to 4 p.m., at 413 Koleen Court in White Rock.

McCoy retired from Los Alamos on April 1, 2005 as a senior adviser in the Principal Associate Directorate for Nuclear Weapons Programs (PADNWP). His wife, Ellen Stallings, retired from Los Alamos in June 2003.

A native of San Antonio, McCoy came to the Laboratory in 1980 in the Theoretical (T) Division.

McCoy earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Delaware, and master's and doctoral degrees in nuclear engineering from Northwestern University.

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