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The Use of Lithium to Prevent or Mitigate Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete Pavements and Structures

Chapter 6. Summary

  1. Lithium-based admixtures can be used to control expansion due to ASR provided they are used in sufficient quantity. The amount of lithium required increases as the amount of alkali in the concrete increases. LiNO3 is more efficient (i.e., can be used in lesser amounts) than other lithium compounds.
  2. Some aggregates require higher doses of lithium than others for efficiently controlling deleterious expansion due to ASR. It would appear that lithium is more effective with rapidly reactive aggregates containing opaline silica, chert, or volcanic glass as the reactive component, and that lithium is relatively less efficient (at similar dosages) with more moderately reactive aggregates that contain microcrystalline or strained quartz as the reactive phase.
  3. At this time, it is recommended that the lithium dose required to control ASR with a specific aggregate be determined by testing using the concrete prism test, with an expansion limit of 0.04 percent at 2 years.
  4. Laboratory testing has shown that ASR-affected concrete specimens can be treated topically using lithium-based compounds to slow down the rate of expansion.
  5. Many structures have been treated with lithium using either a simple topical application or electrochemical or vacuum impregnation techniques to increase lithium penetration.
  6. The extent to which lithium penetrates hardened concrete or controls expansion in the field structures has not been unequivocally established.
  7. It is recommended that treated structures be monitored and tested to provide information on the efficacy of lithium treatment.


A special thank you goes to the FHWA Expert Panel for their assistance reviewing this document and providing useful feedback that was integrated into the final printed version of this facts book.


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[1] Note that the expansion limits shown in the graph are based on CSA recommendations.

[2] Note that SCM replacement levels are expressed as the mass percentage of the total cementitious material content of the concrete. For example, 10-percent silica fume means that 10 percent of the total mass of cementitious material is comprised of silica fume, the remaining 90 percent being portland cement.

[3]If lithium were added to concrete containing 4 kg/m3 (6.7 lb/yd3) Na2Oe at the standard dose of 4.6 Liters of 30 percent LiNO3 solution per 1 kg Na2Oe (0.55 gal of solution for every 1.0 lb of Na2Oe), the lithium concentration in the concrete would be approximately 280 ppm.

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Fred Faridazar
Turner Fairbank
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This page last modified on 07/03/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration