Los Alamos National Laboratory

Colloquium, talks mark 40 years of nuclear safeguards

By Nancy Ambrosiano

December 12, 2006

December marks the 40th anniversary of the development of the science of nuclear safeguards. Nuclear material safeguards, particularly measurements using nondestructive assay (NDA) techniques and nuclear material accounting systems, started at Los Alamos in December of 1966, simultaneous with the development of the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

In honor of these years of work and the science and technology advances that have evolved, the Nuclear Nonproliferation (N) Division is hosting an event from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday in the J.R. Robert Oppenheimer Study Center at Technical Area 3. Senior Laboratory Fellow Terry Hawkins will give a talk, "Safeguards, The Global View," introduced by N Division Leader Nancy Jo Nicholas. Following this will be a TR Colloquium by Laboratory Fellow Howard Menlove, "40 Years of Safeguards Development at LANL: How Neutrons Created the Proliferation Problem as well as a Non-proliferation Solution."

The two talks will be followed by a multi-generational safeguards panel discussion of the history, advances and future of nuclear safeguards, moderated by Noah Pope and Mark Schanfein of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Program (NN), with a range of distinguished panelists. Posters and refreshments follow in the Study Center lobby.

This event is unclassified and open to badgeholders.

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